• Why I wanted FreeBSD before I knew it existed

    Why did I want FreeBSD?Well, when I first discovered I wanted FreeBSD, I'd never even heard of it before.Late in 1997, I decided it was time to replace my 486 box with a Pentium.The increase in speed was impressive.Around January 1998, I purchased a...

    2009-05-13 13:16:01

  • Installing Jakarta - Tomcat

    General Information A straight forward manner to install the basic Jakarta - Tomcat server. Requirements Minimal knowledge of FreeBSD and a minimal FreeBSD installation. Linux compatibility, wget and unzip have to be installed. Local or remote acces...

    2009-05-13 13:16:01

  • Chrooting Apache and PHP

    General Information Chrooting has been around for a long time now.Chrooting makes a program believe that the root of the file system is higher up in the hierarchy.For example, if I wanted to create a chroot in /chroot/httpd, a program executed from...

    2009-05-13 13:16:01

  • Secure Apache 1.3

    General Information Apache is the most popular web server in use today.But, not everybody that sets up their Apache server takes the necessary steps to secure it properly from intruders.This guide will show you some good security changes to make to...

    2009-05-13 13:15:45

  • Install Apache2

    General Information Installing a web serving application is usually one of the most essential things on a FreeBSD server.In this short tutorial, I shall explain the basics of installing and configuring Apache 2.0.52 (will also work with previous bui...

    2009-05-13 13:15:45

  • Apache, PHP, and MySQL

    General Information This guide will teach you how to set up a basic web server with Apache, PHP support, and MySQL for the database. There are a couple of ways to do this, but this guide will use the easier method with the ports system. Requirements...

    2009-05-13 13:15:29

  • MRTG 監控 Server CPU 溫度

    Description : 使用 MRTG 監控 CPU 溫度有個好處,除了可以確定 Server 上 CPU 的風扇有無掛點之外,我們也可以用於無人管理之機房,若機房內之冷氣出問題或不冷時我們亦可判斷,MRTG 真是網管人員的好幫手。Step 1.安裝監控系統之監控軟體,此軟體可查出 CPU 溫度,所...

    2009-05-13 13:15:29

  • CACTI 流量監控工具

    Description : 介紹一個很好用的流量監控工具 CACTI ,比 MRTG 方便管理流量監控軟體,此套軟體系統資源吃很重,所以若要正式上線建議要有較佳的硬體設備。官方網站: http://www.cacti.net ,我的安裝說明是參考官方的手冊: http://www.cacti.net/downloads/docs/htm...

    2009-05-13 13:15:13

  • FreeBSD Server 抓取 Cisco 設備上之 netflow 之 udp

    Environment : 硬體:一台i386 Celeron 360 的 PC 網卡:1片 Intel 網卡 作業系統:FreeBSD 5.3 Release Server IP: Descriptions: 最近都在研究 FreeBSD 怎麼跟 Cisco Router 相互結合,嘿嘿 ! 又不小心又發現一個好東西,就是 Cisco 上的 NetflowServic...

    2009-05-13 13:14:57

  • Freebsd+OpenLDAP+phpldapadmin 安裝

    Discription: 最近研究 OpenLDAP 所以就在 FreeBSD 上裝來玩玩,於是就把安裝經驗寫下來,而未來要玩的是透過 OpenLDAP 作跨平台帳號整合。 Setp 1. #cd /usr/ports/net/openldap22-server #make install clean ====================================================...

    2009-05-13 13:14:57