• enabling DNS again

    see also Getting local names to resolve (DNS) 29 August 1998 One of the problems I had when installing FreeBSD 2.2.7 on the new 5G disk was getting local names to resolve.For details on my original excursion into this arena, please refer to the abov...

    2009-05-13 13:20:10

  • DHCP (again)

    The following are the best DHCP resources I have found.Most of these are specific to Road Runner cable service but should be applicable to any cable service. Please tell me about any other DHCP resources you find. I would recommend the FreeBSD link...

    2009-05-13 13:19:51

  • All the ports - how to save time if you have the d

    This article shows you how to install the port skeletons.This will allow you to just cd into a directory and issue the make command.You won't have to fetch anything manually. 22 August 1998 Well, it's not actually installing all of the ports.It's mo...

    2009-05-13 13:19:51

  • a new hard drive

    This is a lost and found article. I wrote it some time ago, but for whatever reason, most likely stupidity, it was never published. During a recent rework of the site, I found the article and added it to the database. 14 August 1998 I bought a new h...

    2009-05-13 13:19:32

  • improving security *

    This topic is incomplete. 11 August 1998 I decided it was time to improve the security on my system.I used http://www.freebsd.org/~jkb/howto.html as the starting point.Please read that resource in conjunction with what I have done below. in /etc/rc....

    2009-05-13 13:19:31

  • notes on qpopper

    Note that older versions of qpopper are vulernable to attacks: http://www.eudora.com/qpopper/#BUFFER As I recover from my failed upgrade to 2.2.7 , I noticed that my pop server wasn't running.After checking the manual, I noticed that I need the foll...

    2009-05-13 13:19:31

  • nmap - the port scanner

    This has to be the easiest port I've ever installed!Or is it just that I'm getting to know how to do it? Port scanner?What's a port scanner? A port scanner doesn't check for software.Don't confuse this with a FreeBSD port. A port scanner checks the...

    2009-05-13 13:19:12

  • fetchmail - run your own mailserver *

    This topic is incomplete. 10 August 1998 Fetchmail allows you to retrieve your mail from your ISP and process it locally. In effect, you are allowing your ISP to be your primary mail server and then you extract the mail from your ISP and process you...

    2009-05-13 13:19:12

  • FreeBSD7 实现路由功能 防火墙 NAT 网关

    要实现FreeBSD的路由功能,需要重新编译内核. 首先系统中要安装两块网卡,每块分别负责一个网段. 网卡的配置可以通过sysinstall工具进行配置(略) 其中一块配置为(A网) IP mask gateway 另一块为(B网) IP mask 255.255....

    2009-05-13 13:19:12

  • python - needed for fetchmail

    Python is a programming language which has come a long way in a relatively short time. My main interest is the interface to the PostgreSQL database. I use Perl as part of several websites (including this one, FreshPorts and FreshSource ). I am now i...

    2009-05-13 13:18:53