Getting local names to resolve (DNS) (named - the
This article shows how to set up named, the DNS daemon.This version uses BIND 4.Eventually, I'll upgrade to BIND 8. Resolve?What do you mean? I have named my three machines, NT1, NT2, and FreeBSD. It would be nice to be able to type ping NT2 instead...
2009-05-13 13:17:35
Changing the shell (bash)
see also Shells Why a new shell? The shell is that part of the system which accepts your command and interprets what you have said.It launches other commands.The shell you get by default is not the only shell around.I chose the bash shell, mainly be...
2009-05-13 13:17:15
Reading my mail from NT1 (qpopper)
If you've been following this diary, you'll know I can't read my FreeBSD mailbox from Pegasus under NT. Here's the question I posted to the FreeBSD Questions mailing list . I've installed qpopper. I have two users on my system. I'm trying to read th...
2009-05-13 13:17:15
Redirecting port requests
This example shows you how to redirect incoming http requests to a machine on your internal LAN.You could also use this method to redirect telnet, ftp, etc. The www uses the http protocol.I run MS FrontPage 98 on NT1.I wanted to redirect http request...
2009-05-13 13:17:15
Firewalls, filtering, ipfw, and FTP clients
One of the problems I had with my filtering was the inability to get FTP running. But I wasn't stopping any FTP protocols with my rules.So I couldn't figure it out. You should also read the firewall section of the handbook . How do you enable the fi...
2009-05-13 13:16:56
The DNS problem which was an natd problem
By this time, I'd been down and now I was getting up again.After nearly trashing the entire system, only to have placed gently back into my hands by a total stranger, I was ready to tackle the other problem.That was my DNS problem.Or what I, as a no...
2009-05-13 13:16:56
CD-ROM saga (a funny story)
After much delay, for what reason, I don't know, I finally dropped into Quay Computers and bought a CD-ROM.Not a flash one, just an old 24x speed which had a 30 day warranty.A decent deal for NZ$95. I planned to install it that night, but something...
2009-05-13 13:16:40
natd Network Address Translation (IP masquerading,
Please note: if you are running PPP, then you don't want natd.PPP has aliasing built in.Unfortunately, I've never used PPP, so I suggest you follow the Pedantic PPP Primer of the FreeBSD Handbook or perhaps just see the man pages for information on...
2009-05-13 13:16:40
The installation
This page describes my first week of FreeBSD and how I blustered my way around the operating system. As mentioned in the introduction , I was given an old 486 machine by a friend.When I got it home, I had a hard time figuring out how to get FreeBSD...
2009-05-13 13:16:21
How I found FreeBSD
I was introduced to FreeBSD by Jay Montilla.Jay and I had worked together at Synergy .As long as I've known him, he's been a networks person.He left Synergy to work full time for a government agency. Eventually, they hired me as a consultant to do s...
2009-05-13 13:16:21
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