upgrading from 2.2.5 to 2.2.7
Please note that this upgrade failed.I retain it for historical purposes only. I recommend you try the Upgrading FreeBSD entry instead. My upgrade has turned into a very long process.This is not the fault of FreeBSD.Rather, it's the result of some m...
2009-05-13 13:18:53
installing DES - encryption
2 August 1998 When I was trying to install Apache , I was told I needed DES first.So here I go. There are no instructions to be found for installing DES.I'll attend to this later. 26 December 1999 I've been notified that I already have DES installat...
2009-05-13 13:18:34
2009-05-13 13:18:33
installing www server (apache)
See also Apache topics .There are more recent apache articles there. See also Front Page Extensions - security considerations for details on securing FrontPage. 2 August 1998 I want to install a www server on my machine. So I looked at Apache , whic...
2009-05-13 13:18:14
Time synchronization - xntpd
This article shows you how to ensure the clock on your computer is kept synchronized. It originally dealt only with xntpd, but this is also applicable to ntpd. See also NTP in the FreeBSD Handbook . Details for 5.x were added on 15 July 2004. 2 Augu...
2009-05-13 13:18:14
resolv.conf is being modified,
This problem occurred because DHCP overwrites the contents of resolv.conf. and I didn't know that.But you have quite a bit of control over what DHCP puts into that file. Details are below. 29 July 1998 After my reboot as a result of my floppy disk m...
2009-05-13 13:18:14
mounting fd0 without a floppy gives a GPF
I found my first GPF in FreeBSD tonight.I was trying to mount a floppy drive so I could copy files from one system to another, but I forgot to insert the floppy. Big mistake. First it timed out.Fair enough.There's no floppy there.So I insert the flo...
2009-05-13 13:17:55
notes on rebooting and IP numbers
NOTE: It's amazing how I can look back at articles such as this and realize just how much newbies don't know. This is a very good example. At some time, you didn't know the following information either. After some experience, we just take it for gra...
2009-05-13 13:17:55
installing nslint - debug your DNS
see also dnswalk . As part of the continuing Getting local names to resolve problem, I decided to install nslint at the advice of a helper on on the FreeBSD Questions mailing list .Here's what I've done so far: 26 July 1998 I checked my 2.2.5 CDs fo...
2009-05-13 13:17:35
sample zone files
see also Getting local names to resolve (DNS) . About these examples Please note that all names and numbers in these examples have been changed for security reasons.These are examples and are not exact copies of the files used on our subnet. It is i...
2009-05-13 13:17:35
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