upgrading from 2.2.5 to 2.2.7

2009-05-13 13:18:53来源:未知 阅读 ()


Please note that this upgrade failed.  I retain it for historical purposes only.   I recommend you try the  
Upgrading FreeBSD
entry instead.
My upgrade has turned into a very long process.  This is not the fault of FreeBSD.  Rather, it's the result of some minimal hardware.
6 August 1998 - Upgrading via FTP (it fails)
Well, it's time.  I'm going to upgrade the system.  I'm not sure why I want to, but I'd like to keep current.  My first port of call will be:
I decide to upgrade from the FTP server.  I suspect I'll have trouble because I tried this once before.   The upgrade expects to find 2.2.6, but it'll only find 2.2.7 so I dunno what will happen.
Yes.  It failed.  But It mentions the Options Menu.  I go there and find   "Release to Download" and change it to 2.2.7-RELEASE.  And try again.
Well, that didn't go.  Shortly after it connects to the FTP server, it stops, and returns to the previous screen.  No message.  No nothing.
I ask on efnet #freebsd if the above is expected behaviour.  It is recommended that I use cvsup instead of what I'm trying.  I start looking up how to install that.   But the gurus on the channel recommend the statically linked stuff instead.   So I check out the handbook at:
From there, I decide to go and get the client without GUI at:
I download that, then did the following:
gunzip cvsup.nogui-bin-15.4.2.tar.gz
tar -xvf nslint-2.0a5.tar
The following few paragraphs are very hazy.  I didn't take fully notes.   Sorry.
I followed the instructions in the README file and moved the executable and the man files to their respective locations.  Then I checked out the examples provided in /usr/share/examples/cvsup/.   From there, I decided to try the example shown in the section
Synchronizing Source Trees over the Internet
of the handbook.
It downloaded lots of stuff, but I ran out of disk space.  It's just as well that I've ordered the CD-ROMs for 2.2.7.  They should arrive next week.
16 August 1998  - Upgrading via CD
The CDs have arrived.  After an aborted attempt at upgrading directly to my 330 M drive, I ran out of disk space.  The install overwrote my /etc directory.   So I copied stuff from my backup in /usr/tmp/etc to /etc but not everything went as planned.  I had to do the following changes by hand:

  • DNS wasnt running.  named.boot had to be replaced with



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