installing www server (apache)

2009-05-13 13:18:14来源:未知 阅读 ()


See also
Apache topics
.  There are more recent apache articles there.
See also
Front Page Extensions - security considerations
for details on securing FrontPage.
2 August 1998
I want to install a www server on my machine. So I looked at
, which is highly regarded.  And free.  I started about 10am.
Installing Apache
First I found out that Apache comes in many flavours.  I wanted the one with the MS FrontPage extensions already installed.  That's because this website is written using FrontPage.  Through my friend, the
mailing list archives
, I found a reference to the
Apache Server w/FrontPage Module
.  I just followed the steps listed on that page and installed it.   
But wait!  There's more...
I had downloaded that file to /usr/local.  Then did the untar via  tar -xzf apache-fp.131.tgz.  Next was the make install.  That's when I was told:
WARNING: MS FrontPage Extentions require the DES Library
WARNING: Install the DES Library, then build apach-fp
And yes, that is how they spell extensions.
So, off to
install DES
I went.  But I didn't get very far.
8:30pm - What?  DES is installed
I've concluded that DES is actually installed.  I checked the
Recognizing your crypt mechanism
section of the
FreeBSD handbook
.  From the details on that page, I conclude that DES is installed.   Namely, the following is what I find:
$ cd /usr/lib
$ ls -l /usr/lib/libcrypt*
lrwxr-xr-x  1 bin  bin  13 Sep  5 12:50 libcrypt.a ->
lrwxr-xr-x  1 bin  bin  18 Sep  5 12:50 ->
lrwxr-xr-x  1 bin  bin  15 Sep  5 12:50 libcrypt_p.a ->
So off to the #FreeBSD on, where the suggestion is made that I install the ports instead.  So, following the



上一篇:Time synchronization - xntpd
