Changing the shell (bash)
2009-05-13 13:17:15来源:未知 阅读 ()
see also
Why a new shell?
The shell is that part of the system which accepts your command and interprets what you have said. It launches other commands. The shell you get by default is not the only shell around. I chose the bash shell, mainly because it has a command history. If you're ever typed a long command, only to have it rejected because you mistyped it, then a shell history is what you want. It allows you to recall previous commands, modify them, and resubmit them to the shell.
It was during the
CD-ROM saga
that Jay advised me to make "installing a new shell" a high priority. Well, that was over two weeks ago, and I'm only just doing it now.
You might also want to see
UNIX shell differences and how to change your shell (Monthly Posting)
Finding the shell
My first step in replacing the shell was finding out what CD the ports are on. For the record, it's the 4th CD. I found this out by using my NT box and scrolling through the directories. Then I transferred the CD over into my FreeBSD box. The following commands allowed the CD to be mounted:
mount -t cd9660 /dev/wcdoc /cdrom
This command allows you to view the contents of the CD-ROM by using the /cdrom directory.
Building the shell
After mounting the CD, I searched the
FreeBSD handbook
to find out how to install a port. I was
installing from CD-ROM
, but you can also
install from the Internet
. I just followed the instructions and everything went exactly as expected. Here are the commands I used, but you really should follow the instructions found on the FreeBSD webpages found above.
Please note, that the following instructions contain extra steps. See
Building a port - background info on make
for more concise information.
# mkdir /usr/ports
# cd /usr/ports
# ln -s /cdrom/ports/distfiles distfiles
# cd /usr/ports
# mkdir shells
# cp -R /cdrom/ports/shells/bash shells
# cd shells/bash
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