How I found FreeBSD
2009-05-13 13:16:21来源:未知 阅读 ()
I was introduced to FreeBSD by Jay Montilla. Jay and I had worked together at
. As long as I've known him, he's been a networks person. He left Synergy to work full time for a government agency. Eventually, they hired me as a consultant to do some
work. I met up with Jay and over coffee we started talking about my network and what I was doing with it. Jay was the type of person who had lots of PC parts sitting around the house. Eventually he decided to have a clean-out of his house. In the process of discovering several rooms he'd forgotten about, he put together a 486 machine and partially installed FreeBSD for me. I grabbed an abused and neglected monitor from work and I went from there. Oh, and in case our quality manager is reading this, the monitor is noted in the borrowing book as being signed out to me (yes Fiona, it is).
Jay continued to help me out when I got stuck. It's not easy being a novice. But lately, I've been figured it out on my own using
some FreeBSD
resources I've accumulated.
- Freebsd oracle 10g 2009-05-13
- KDE/FreeBSD 测试 QT-4.5.1. 2009-05-13
- OpenBSD 4.5下安装Gnome 2.24成功! 2009-05-13
- OpenBSD 4.5 2009-05-13
- DragonFly BSD 2.2.1发布 2009-05-13
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