Secure Apache 1.3

2009-05-13 13:15:45来源:未知 阅读 ()


General Information
Apache is the most popular web server in use today.  But, not everybody that sets up their Apache server takes the necessary steps to secure it properly from intruders.  This guide will show you some good security changes to make to your Apache installation.
  • Local root access on the box or be able to su to root.
  • A SSH client that supports ANSI colors such as puTTy or SecureCRT (if you aren't on the box).
  • Your favorite text editor (I prefer nano).
  • Apache already installed.
    These are a few changes to make to your Apache configuration file.  Open httpd.conf in your favorite editor.
    nano -w /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.confIt's a good idea to hide what version of Apache you are running.  If you change ServerTokens to Prod then only "Apache" will be returned when polled by netcraft.  This limits fingerprinting.
    ServerTokens Prod
    Another tip to limit fingerprinting is to turn off the server signature on server-generated error pages.
    ServerSignature Off
    By default, users may have access to the root directory of the server.  We should restrict this access in case of any potential attacks.  Change your to the following:
        Options None
        AllowOverride None
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
    It is a good idea to disable TRACE and TRACK methods.  These are HTTP methods used to debug web server connections.  An attacker can trick legitimate web users to give him their credentials through cross-site-scripting attacks.
            RewriteEngine on
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^(TRACE|TRACK)
            RewriteRule .* - [F]
    mod_userdir can be convienent by accessing a user's homepage through  But using mod_userdir can pose a security risk because attackers can find out valid system users.  It is recommended that you disable the userdir module.  There are two methods of disabling mod_userdir.
    The first method is to comment out the following lines:
    LoadModule userdir_module     libexec/apache/
    AddModule mod_userdir.c
        UserDir disabled
        UserDir public_html
    *Note:  If you must allow some users to have UserDir directories, use the following:
        UserDir disabled
        UserDir enabled user1 user2
        UserDir public_html
    Make sure /server-status is disable so people cannot see your current Apache status.  It is disabled by default.
    #    SetHandler server-status



  • 上一篇:Install Apache2

    下一篇:Chrooting Apache and PHP