Install Apache2
2009-05-13 13:15:45来源:未知 阅读 ()
Installing a web serving application is usually one of the most essential things on a FreeBSD server. In this short tutorial, I shall explain the basics of installing and configuring Apache 2.0.52 (will also work with previous builds of Apache 2.x but you should be using the latest version).
First, let's download and untar Apache 2.0.52!
tar zxvf httpd-2.0.52.tar.gzNow that Apache has been extracted, let's change to its directory.
cd httpd-2.0.52Now we'll create a unique group and user for Apache to run under. This can be useful when browsing logs, or even for security.
pw group add websrv
pw user add websrv -g websrv -s /sbin/nologin -d /usr/local/apacheNow that we've created Apache's group and user, let's configure it with DSO support. We'll also include the
--with-php and --with-mysql switches just in case you want to install them later on.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-mods-shared=all --enable-so --with-php --with-mysqlAfter that's run through its boring process of making sure you have everything Apache needs in the right place,
we'll compile the sources.
makeAnd now that's done, we should install the compiled binaries and other files.
make installNow we need to make sure that the Apache libraries are installed, to do this, we'll add a line to our
echo "/usr/local/apache/modules" >> /etc/ we've done that, we'll have to create a cache and links for the shared libraries.
ldconfigWahey! Apache is installed, but, before we can fire the beast up, we need to do a little configuring. Don't worry, it's not hard.
First, we'll make Apache recognize other types of document other than .html.
pico /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.confNow hold CTRL+W to bring up Pico's where feature, and type "AddType". Add the following lines:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
Now hold CTRL+W again to bring up the where feature again, and type "DirectoryIndex". This is where we set the files that the server should look for in a directory before displaying everything in that directory (the index file). In this example, index.php will be shown first, however if that doesn't exist, index.html will be shown.
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
Find the User and Group directives and change whatever you have there to:
User websrv
Group websrv
Double check your changes, save and quit. Now that we've finished our configuration, we should change the ownership of Apache to the websrv group and user that we created.
- OpenBSD 4.5 2009-05-13
- DragonFly BSD 2.2.1发布 2009-05-13
- NetBSD 5.0发布 2009-05-13
- Introducing NetBSD 5.0 by Andrew Doran 2009-05-13
- Flash 9 for FreeBSD 7.1 2009-05-13
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