X配置文件xorg.conf分析 转载于:http://blog.csdn.net/comcat/archive/2007/04/02/1549658.aspx 作者:壮志凌云的csdn博客 X的配置,实际上就是生成 /etc/X11/xorg.conf 这个文件。 通常的配置主要对以下的Section作操作: a. 显示器的信息写在该节 Section “Monitor...
2009-05-13 10:53:57
grep 查找的内容filename 在命令里的输出结果里查找 命令|grep内容 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点: http://blog.chinaunix.net/u1/54045/showart_429500.html...
2009-05-13 10:53:57
OpenBSD 3.4 email server
OpenBSD 3.4, Postfix, Procmail, Courier-Imap, Mutt, Pop/Imap before SMTP authentication Introduction This document is written for configuring a OpenBSD 3.4-based mailserver, however it there is no reason it should not apply to versions as old as Open...
2009-05-13 10:53:37
Mail server on Debian GNU/Linux Sarge
This documentation presents a step-by-step installation/configuration of a fairly secure mail server on Debian Sarge. The documentation is released under the GNU Free Documentation Licence . Before starting, have a look to an approximative diagram o...
2009-05-13 10:53:37
openbsd+postfix + spamassassin + greylist + xbl s
most of this has been taken from the FairlySecureAntiSpamWiki , but has been modified to suit the selco.info network. it passes mail on to the exchange server at and doesn't use dcc or pyzor. other than that, it's strikingly similar. r...
2009-05-13 10:53:37
ldap, postfix and courier-imap howto
Author: J.Vriesman, joenix@gmx.net All new documentation (including new versions of this one) will be put here . Contents 1 The ldap server 1.1 About the ldap server setup 1.2 Schema's 1.3 The tree 1.4 System-leave 1.5 Personal accounts 1.6 Shared f...
2009-05-13 10:53:20
LDAP Access Control
Access to slapd entries and attributes is controlled by the olcAccess attribute, whose values are a sequence of access directives. The general form of the olcAccess configuration is: olcAccess: ::= to [by[] [] ]+ ::= * | [dn[.]= | dn.=] [filter=] [a...
2009-05-13 10:53:20
Kports是我比较喜欢的FreeBSD的ports的工具,但目前没有本地化的翻译进程,所以一直工作在英文界面下。我今天利用Kdevelop对这个工具程序的源代码进行导入,生成了kports.pot(模版),接下来的几天里,我将会对其进行翻译,以便让kports也能使用中文界面。 在生成kport...
2009-05-13 10:52:59
OpenBSD + Postfix
Fairly Secure Anti Spam Wiki - Fairly-Secure Anti-Spam Tuesday, October 09, 2007 Baremetal to metrics HowTo for MTA Postfix: del.icio.us/tag/postfix screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new...
2009-05-13 10:52:58
使用 ipmitool 实现 Linux 系统下对服务器的 ipmi 管
IPMI 是一种可扩展的标准,它定义了如何监控硬件和传感器、控制系统部件以及记录重大事件,随着 ipmi 技术在服务器中的应用,利用 ipmi 的众多优势就成为服务器管理特别是集群管理中不可缺少的部分。本文首先介绍了 ipmi 的一些基本概念,然后给出了如何利用 ipmitool...
2009-05-13 10:52:38
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