openbsd+postfix + spamassassin + greylist + …

2009-05-13 10:53:37来源:未知 阅读 ()


  most of this has been taken from the
, but has been
  modified to suit the network. it passes mail on to the exchange
  server at and doesn't use dcc or pyzor. other than that, it's
  strikingly similar.

  •       remove sendmail
  • Delete the old sendmail executable.
              note that on OpenBSD, the real sendmail executable will still be
              available at /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail.

                # rm /usr/sbin/sendmail
  • Remove sendmail queue runner command in crontab
                # crontab -e
              Look for the lines that look like this and remove them
              or comment them out with a #
                # sendmail clientmqueue runner
                */30 * * * * /usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q
  • Edit the /etc/rc.conf file to prevent sendmail from
            starting when the computer boots. make the sendmail_flags line
            look like this:
                sendmail_flags = NO
  • Kill off any existing sendmail processes.
                # kill `head -1 /var/run/`
                # ps -ax |grep [s]endmail

  •       add users
  • Use vipw to edit the password file. Go to the bottom of
            the file and add the following line:
                amavisd:*:3000:3000::0:0:Amavis Mail Scanner
  • add the group account for our new user. edit the
            /etc/group file. Add the following line (preferrably in



  • 上一篇:ldap, postfix and courier-imap howto

    下一篇:Mail server on Debian GNU/Linux Sarge