ldap, postfix and courier-imap howto

2009-05-13 10:53:20来源:未知 阅读 ()


Author: J.Vriesman, joenix@gmx.net
All new documentation (including new versions of this one) will be put

  • 1 The ldap server

    • 1.1 About the ldap server setup

    • 1.2 Schema's

    • 1.3 The tree

    • 1.4 System-leave

    • 1.5 Personal accounts

    • 1.6 Shared folders

    • 1.7 Example account ldif

    • 1.8 makeMailMessageStoreDirs

    • 1.9 About sldapd.conf

  • 2 The smtp server

    • 2.1 Overview

    • 2.2 Virtual delivery

    • 2.3 mydestination

    • 2.4 virtual_maps

  • 3 The imap server

    • 3.1 Overview

    • 3.2 Authldaprc

    • 3.3 Shared folders

This document describes the setup of an ldap based mailsystem, using
openldap, postfix and courier-imap. It was tested on Linux, but it
should work on any os if postfix, openldap and courier-imap are available.
  • All mail is owned by one virtual user, no Unix accounts needed.
  • Everything is configured from ldap, no need to restart server processes
    when adding domains
  • Shared folders can be configured from ldap
  • Mail is in maildir format and can be placed on nfs
  • Multiple smtp and imap servers are possible

1 The ldap server
1.1 About the ldap server setup
The ldap server contains all information needed by the smtp and imap
server and can also be used as an address book. Since there seemed
to be no objectclass which is exactly fit for this purpose, some attributes
are used in a setup-specific way, e.g. ''seeAlso'' for shared folders.
1.2 Schema's
The following schema's are included in slapd.conf:
  • core.schema
  • cosine.schema
  • corba.schema
  • inetorgperson.schema
  • java.schema
  • kerberosobject.schema
  • nis.schema
  • openldap.schema
  • qmail.schema

Not all schema's are used.
1.3 The tree
Two leaves of the ldap tree are essential for the imap and smtp servers,
the first one stores ''system'' information, the other one ''account''
The base for the system leave can be:
  • [ou=System,o=company]
Under this system leave there is a leave ''ou=postfix'', under which
the accepted domains are stored. From here and further this is refered
to as the ''system-leave''.
The base for the accounts can be:
  • [ou=Country,o=company]
Under the account tree the user information is stored, including addresses,
passwords, aliases and shared folders. From here and further this
is refered to as the ''account-leave''.
1.4 System-leave



上一篇:LDAP Access Control

下一篇: openbsd+postfix + spamassassin + greylist + xbl s