Mail server on Debian GNU/Linux Sarge

2009-05-13 10:53:37来源:未知 阅读 ()


    This documentation presents a step-by-step installation/configuration of a fairly secure mail server on Debian Sarge.

    The documentation is released under the
    GNU Free Documentation Licence

    Before starting, have a look to an approximative diagram of what is done :


    : single html page (big)

      Part 0
      : Introduction

      Part 1
      : Debian Sarge installation, cleaning

      Part 2
      : TLS Certificates creation

      Part 3
      : OpenLDAP

      Part 4
      : Postfix with LDAP

      Part 5
      : Postfix with SMTP-TLS, SMTP-AUTH with LDAP

      Part 6
      : Courier-IMAP with LDAP, mailing-lists, quotas, TLS

      Part 7
      : IMP/Horde with HTTPS, Turba2

      Part 8
      : IMP/Horde with Password, Forwards, Vacation

      Part 9
      : Graphical Administration





上一篇: openbsd+postfix + spamassassin + greylist + xbl s

下一篇:OpenBSD 3.4 email server