OpenBSD 3.4 email server

2009-05-13 10:53:37来源:未知 阅读 ()


OpenBSD 3.4, Postfix, Procmail, Courier-Imap, Mutt, Pop/Imap before SMTP authentication

    This document is written for configuring a OpenBSD 3.4-based
    mailserver, however it there is no reason it should not apply to
    versions as old as OpenBSD 3.0 or something newer.
    Install src

      untar src.tar.gz into /usr/src from the if you have an OpenBSD CD. If
      you're grabbing them from the ftp site then you want both src.tar.gz
      and srcsys.tar.gz.
    Upgrade to -stable
      Even OpenBSD can have security updates so be sure to update to the
      -stable branch of the release you're working with. To update OpenBSD
      3.1 change the _3_4 to _3_1.
        # export
        # cd /usr
        # cvs -q up -rOPENBSD_3_4 -P src
      To update this tree later simply cd /usr/src; cvs -q up -rOPENBSD_3_4 -Pd
    Rebuild system from stable source
      Rebuild Kernel  # cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/conf
        # /usr/sbin/config GENERIC
        # cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
        # make clean && make depend && make
        # cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
        # cp /bsd /bsd.old          (Save an old copy of your kernel)
        # cp bsd /bsd               (Copy the new kernel into place)
        # reboot
      Rebuild userland programs  # cd /usr/src
        # rm -r /usr/obj/*
        # make obj && make build

    Reboot the machine, at this point it's safe to connect it to the internet
    Install ports tree, upgrade to stable  # export
      # cd /usr
      # tar -xvzf /path/to/ports.tar.gz
      # cvs -q up -rOPENBSD_3_1 ports

Postfix Install
      # cd /usr/ports/mail/postfix
    Optionally, edit Makefile and uncomment out all the SUBDIR+= except for: SUBDIR+= stable,pcre,tls
      # make install
    edit /etc/rc.conf

      Comment out line:
        #sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/ -bd -q30m"
      and add:
        sendmail_flags="-bd -q30m"
    edit root crontab (# crontab -e )

      Comment out line:
        #*/30  *   *   *   *   /usr/sbin/sendmail -L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q
    edit /etc/postfix/

      Set the following fields:
        mydomain = your domain here
        myorigin = $mydomain
        mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain
        home_mailbox = .maildir/    # NOTE: the trailing /  is important
        # mailbox_command = /usr/local/bin/procmail



上一篇:Mail server on Debian GNU/Linux Sarge
