2008-02-23 08:46:10来源:互联网 阅读 ()

- 视觉能力低弱的人士
- 帮助用户学习阅读
- 帮助有阅读障碍的用户
- 家庭娱乐
- 在汽车中使用
h1, h2, h3, h4 { voice-family: male; richness: 80; cue-before: url("beep.au") }
CSS2 听觉参考
W3C: The number in the "W3C" column indicates in which CSS recommendation the property is defined (CSS1 or CSS2).
属性 | 描述 | 值 | W3C |
azimuth | Sets where the sound/voices should come from (horizontally) |
2 |
cue | A shorthand property for setting the cue-before and cue-after properties in one declaration |
2 |
cue-after | Specifies a sound to be played after speaking an element's content to delimit it from other |
2 |
cue-before | Specifies a sound to be played before speaking an element's content to delimit it from other |
2 |
elevation | Sets where the sound/voices should come from (vertically) |
2 |
pause | A shorthand property for setting the pause-before and pause-after properties in one declaration |
2 |
pause-after | Specifies a pause after speaking an element's content |
2 |
pause-before | Specifies a pause before speaking an element's content |
2 |
pitch | Specifies the speaking voice |
2 |
pitch-range | Specifies the variation in the speaking voice. (Monotone voice or animated voice?) |
2 |
play-during | Specifies a sound to be played while speaking an element's content |
2 |
richness | Specifies the richness in the speaking voice. (Rich voice or thin voice?) |
2 |
speak | Specifies whether content will render aurally |
2 |
speak-header | Specifies how to handle table headers. Should the headers be spoken before every cell, or only before a cell with a different header than the previous cell |
2 |
speak-numeral | Specifies how to speak numbers |
2 |
speak-punctuation | Specifies how to speak punctuation characters |
2 |
speech-rate | Specifies the speed of the speaking |
2 |
stress | Specifies the "stress" in the speaking voice |
2 |
voice-family | A prioritized list of voice family names that contain specific voices |
2 |
volume | Specifies the volume of the speaking |
标签: 版权申明:本站文章部分自网络,如有侵权,请联系:west999com@outlook.com 上一篇:网页制作学习CSS2的打印属性 下一篇:网页教学 CSS 基础语法
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