.NET core for docker

2018-06-22 07:30:45来源:未知 阅读 ()


本文描述下 .net core 在 docker 里面的玩法

首先按照官方文档先 拉取镜像

docker pull microsoft/dotnet:latest


然后就有了 dotnet 这个运行时了,这里以一个 web 项目举例子 先创建一个 web 类型的 project

dotnet new -t web

如果本地没有 dotnet 运行时可以docker run 一个

docker run --rm -it -v /home/hello_dotnet/:/home/hello_dotnet/  microsoft/dotnet:latest

上面这个命令的意思是 让 docker 运行(docker run)一个dotnet:latest的镜像(microsoft/dotnet:latest) 并且把本地的/home/hello_dotnet卷路径挂载到容器的/home/hello_dotnet 下面(-v /home/hello_dotnet/:/home/hello_dotnet/)然后提供交互式模式能够输入输出(-it)退出之后自动删除容器(--rm)



[root@172-16-0-20 home]# docker run --rm -it -v /home/hello_dotnet/:/home/hello_dotnet/  microsoft/dotnet:latest

root@193fb1cf32a6:/# cd /home/hello_dotnet/

root@193fb1cf32a6:/home/hello_dotnet# dotnet new -t web

Created new C# project in /home/hello_dotnet.

root@193fb1cf32a6:/home/hello_dotnet# ls

Controllers  Data  Models  Program.cs  README.md  Services  Startup.cs  Views  appsettings.json  bower.json  gulpfile.js  package.json  project.json  web.config  wwwroot




dotnet restore


dotnet run

修改一下默认的监听端口默认是 localhost:5000 不好做代理,把它修改成


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.IO;

using System.Linq;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;


namespace WebApplication


    public class Program


        public static void Main(string[] args)


            var host = new WebHostBuilder()

                .UseUrls("") //添加这一行












ok 没啥问题 publish 一下

root@193fb1cf32a6:/home/hello_dotnet# dotnet publish

Publishing hello_dotnet for .NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0

No executable found matching command "npm"


额,并不能够 publish 提示找不到 npm, npm 这个不是 node 的包依赖工具么。。 经过查看发现这个生成的 web 依赖了 gulp 所以很蛋疼 默认的容器只有运行时环境(可能主要是为了精简镜像)需要自己在安装 node

这里可以在容器里面把 node 装好或者去其他机器上 publish

apt-get update & apt-get install npm

并且安装完 npm 还不够 还需要 安装 bower gulp

No executable found matching command "bower"

No executable found matching command "gulp"

npm install bower -g

npm install gulp -g

ok 结束了...

Project hello_dotnet (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0) was previously compiled. Skipping compilation.

Configuring the following project for use with IIS: '/home/hello_dotnet/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/publish'

Updating web.config at '/home/hello_dotnet/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/publish/web.config'

Configuring project completed successfully

publish: Published to /home/hello_dotnet/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0/publish

Published 1/1 projects successfully


root@193fb1cf32a6:/home/hello_dotnet/bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.0# exit


[root@172-16-0-20 home]# ls

data  docker-compose  hello_dotnet  java  xiaoming  xiaoqiu

[root@172-16-0-20 home]# cd hello_dotnet/

[root@172-16-0-20 hello_dotnet]# ls

appsettings.json  bin  bower.json  Controllers  Data  gulpfile.js  Models  node_modules  obj  package.json  Program.cs  project.json  project.lock.json  README.md  Services  Startup.cs  Views  web.config  wwwroot


代码都已经创建好了,现在只要找个运行时 dotnet hello_dotnet.dll 就可以启动 web 了

打包一个镜像 写个 dockerfile 就好


[root@172-16-0-20 dotnet]# tree -L 2


├── Dockerfile

└── hello_dotnet

    ├── appsettings.json

    ├── bin

    ├── bower.json

    ├── Controllers

    ├── Data

    ├── gulpfile.js

    ├── Models

    ├── node_modules

    ├── obj

    ├── package.json

    ├── Program.cs

    ├── project.json

    ├── project.lock.json

    ├── README.md

    ├── Services

    ├── Startup.cs

    ├── Views

    ├── web.config

    └── wwwroot


[root@172-16-0-20 dotnet]# docker build -t "hello_dotnet:1.0" ./


[root@172-16-0-20 dotnet]# docker build -t "hello_dotnet:1.0" ./

Sending build context to Docker daemon 53.04 MB

Step 1 : FROM microsoft/dotnet:latest

 ---> 4028809f66a4

Step 2 : COPY hello_dotnet /home/www

 ---> 600558b4e65d

Removing intermediate container 0c05fc314674

Step 3 : WORKDIR /home/www

 ---> Running in b5b029517595

 ---> c9f05e277de9

Removing intermediate container b5b029517595

Step 4 : EXPOSE 8080

 ---> Running in 2a00bea9393c

 ---> b921fe0482f0

Removing intermediate container 2a00bea9393c

Step 5 : CMD dotnet hello_dotnet.dll

 ---> Running in f770b366be81

 ---> 11027359f344

Removing intermediate container f770b366be81

Successfully built 11027359f344


[root@172-16-0-20 dotnet]# docker run  --rm -it -p 8888:5000 hello_dotnet:1.0

info: Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.DataProtectionServices[0]

      User profile is available. Using '/root/.aspnet/DataProtection-Keys' as key repository; keys will not be encrypted at rest.

Hosting environment: Production

Content root path: /home/www

Now listening on:

Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.



ok 一切正常



docker run -d -p 8888:5000 hello_dotnet:1.0


[0] https://dotnet.github.io

[1] https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder

[2] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34212765/how-do-i-get-the-kestrel-web-server-to-listen-to-non-localhost-requests



上一篇:CYQ.Data V5 分布式缓存MemCached应用开发介绍
