DX: Full Screen GUI Development 2

2008-04-10 03:07:26来源:互联网 阅读 ()


Full Screen GUI Development

Pt 2 ?More Controls & Text

By Jim (Machaira) Perry

Welcome back! If you抮e saying 揌uh?!?then you probably haven抰 read the first part of this tutorial. Please read it before continuing because we抣l be building on it.

Download this tutorial (in Word format) and the sample projects in a zip file (40 KB)

First Up

Let抯 build on our base window by adding the standard Minimize, Maximize/Restore, and Close buttons (see WindowSample3 project).

We抳e added enums for the new buttons:





created bitmaps for them (close.bmp, minimize.bmp, maximize.bmp, and restore.bmp), and added instances of the clsWindow class in the modDirectDraw module to create them:

Public WithEvents CloseButton As New clsWindow

Public WithEvents MinButton As New clsWindow

Public WithEvents MaxButton As New clsWindow

Public WithEvents RestoreButton As New clsWindow

Notice that we抳e added WithEvents to the declarations. This will allow us to do things outside of the class when the control is clicked. We抣l go over this a little later.

New controls mean that we have to add them as child controls to the base window object. We抳e done this in the CreateWindowObjects function, setting the necessary properties for them:

With frmMain.CloseButton

.ObjectType = CloseBtn

.ParentHeight = frmMain.Window.Height

.ParentWidth = frmMain.Window.Width

.ParentX = frmMain.Window.X

.ParentY = frmMain.Window.Y

.ObjectSurface = objDD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\close.bmp", ddsdSurf4)

.WindowName = "CloseBtn"

End With

frmMain.Window.AddChild frmMain.CloseButton

With frmMain.MinimizeButton

.ObjectType = MinBtn

.ParentHeight = frmMain.Window.Height

.ParentWidth = frmMain.Window.Width

.ParentX = frmMain.Window.X

.ParentY = frmMain.Window.Y

.ObjectSurface = objDD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\minimize.bmp", ddsdSurf4)



上一篇:Microsoft Agent Tutorial Chapter 2
