要了解 FreeBSD,首先要了解 BSD。本文介绍 BSD 的简要历史,通过了解 BSD 的发展历程,我们可以更好的理解 FreeBSD。 BSD是Berkely Software Distribution的缩写,意思是伯克利软件发行版。显然,BSD这个名称并不是我们现在所理解的操作系统,而且其原意也并非简单的操...
2009-05-13 13:59:28
NetBSD的明天(The future of NetBSD)
虽然这已经是旧闻了,但是对于了解NetBSD所存在的问题和其未来的趋势还是有一定的借鉴意义的。 如同我的歌里所唱“我是一朵不开花的花,尚未学会开放就已习惯于凋零......”,似乎NetBSD也是一朵不开花。 这篇文章在*BSD社区引起了很大的反响,在本文发表大概半个月后(...
2009-05-13 13:59:28
freebsd7 if_bridge pf
编译内核 添加如下选项。还有什么atlq也可以加上我也加上了 device pf device pflog device pfsync device if_bridge 网桥 polling 选项没开。网卡太差劲 net.link.bridge.pfil_bridge=1 net.link.bridge.pfil_member=1 kern.polling.enable=1freebsd 7下没这个选项 在e...
2009-05-13 13:59:28
Heads up! - routed(8) has been removed
Contributed by johan on Wed May 7 15:20:47 2008 (GMT) from the rest-in-peace dept. Claudio Jeker (claudio@) has removed routed(8) . You are encouraged to use ripd(8) instead. From the commit message: CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: claudio...
2009-05-13 13:59:08
Heads up! - Xorg detects keyboard layout on the fl
Contributed by johan on Thu May 8 07:47:55 2008 (GMT) from the next-patch-is-for-nonUS-mouse-support dept. Matthieu Herrb (matthieu@) has committed support for Xorg to detect the keyboard layout based on the wscons keymap being used. What this means...
2009-05-13 13:59:07
The Ultimate Media Server on freebsd
The Ultimate Media Server - Apache+SSL , PHP, MySQL and Jinzora Concept I started out on this project to create the ultimate multimedia server using all opensource tools and applications. Some of you may be thinking along the lines of a TIVO device,...
2009-05-13 13:59:07
Upgrading FreeBSD
Upgrading FreeBSD Concept This document started as a follow up to The Ultimate Multimedia Server Guide and how to go about keeping your serverup to date and patched with the latest O/S patches and security patches. The other reason for this document...
2009-05-13 13:58:47
FreeBSD-Quota-Howto 1,编译内核: 编译内核使其支持QUOTA,默认是不支持的,具体详见: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig-building.html # cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf # cp GENERIC MYKERNEL 编辑文件MYKERNEL加入下行内容: option...
2009-05-13 13:58:47
Stupid GUI Tricks: OpenBSD + Xinerama + x11/awesom
Contributed by merdely on Tue May 6 18:01:15 2008 (GMT) from the xinerama-is-awesome dept. Xinerama(3) [ Wikipedia ] has been part of the OpenBSD X distribution for some time. I was able to get a chance to play with it when I got my hands on a second...
2009-05-13 13:58:27
freebsd6.2系统用前面日志介绍的最小化安装的FB,下面开始在上面搭建一个web平台,包括apache+mysql+php+phpmyadmin: 一、安装apache2.2.4 apache2的ports目录在/usr/ports/www/下,进入apache22包,make install clean开始安装 安装过程中,apache2.2.4依赖的包都将被...
2009-05-13 13:58:27
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