• openbsd:New Ports of the Week #18 (May 3)

    Contributed by merdely on Sun May 4 15:43:31 2008 (GMT) from the se7en ports dept. There are 7 new ports for the week of April 27 to May 3: databases: pgfouine py-axiom lang: tcltutor net: opal security: steghide telephony: spandsp x11: gnome/ssh-ask...

    2009-05-13 13:54:02

  • OpenBSD 4.3

    screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style....

    2009-05-13 13:54:02

  • gcc 参数中文手册

    NAME [url=javascript:;] gcc [/url] ,g++-GNU工程的C和C++编译器(egcs-1.1.2) 总览(SYNOPSIS) gcc[option|filename ]... g++[option|filename ]... 警告(WARNING) 本 [url=javascript:;] 手册 [/url] 页 内容 摘自GNU C编译器的完整文档,仅限于解释选项的含义. 除非有...

    2009-05-13 13:53:40

  • NTOP中文手册

    译者email: ZHL98040011@hotmail.com Section: Maintenance Commands (8) Updated: August 2005 ( [url=javascript:;] ntop [/url] 3.2 ) ntop 参数s: [@filename] [-a|--access-log-file ] [-b|--disable-decoders] [-c|--sticky-hosts] [-e|--max-table-rows] [-f|...

    2009-05-13 13:53:40

  • How To Use wget With Username and Password for FTP

    Q.How do I use [url=javascript:;] wget [/url] ftp / http client tool to download files from [url=javascript:;] password [/url] protected web page? A.wget command supports username and password combo for both FTP and HTTP file retrieval. Pass followi...

    2009-05-13 13:53:40

  • 把用户名、密码复制到另外一台机器上

    Description : 将 [url=javascript:;] FreeBSD [/url] 的 A 机器 账号 和 [url=javascript:;] 密码 [/url] 复制到 B 机器。 Steps: 1. 先将 B 机器的 /etc/master.passwd 及 /etc/group [url=javascript:;] 备份 [/url] 好。 2. 复制 A 机器的 /etc/master.passwd 及 /...

    2009-05-13 13:53:13

  • 不用再输入密码一条命令增加一个用户的方法

    命令行下增加用户,会提示输入 [url=javascript:;] 密码 [/url] ,很烦人,可以用下面的方法来做: Shellecho [password] | pw [url=javascript:;] useradd [/url] -n [username] -g [group] -m -s /bin/csh -h 0 比如: #echo 1234 | pw useradd -n bsdlover -g wheel...

    2009-05-13 13:52:52

  • GnuPG

    Description : GunPG 是遵照 GNU General Public License 所授權的 自由 軟體( Free Software ),GunPG為 PGP( Pretty Good Pravacy ) 商用加密應用軟體所延伸出的一套 PGP 的自由軟體,GunPG 利用公鑰 ( Public Key )來加密以及私鑰 ( Private Key ) 來簽章的應用,Gu...

    2009-05-13 13:52:52

  • FreeBSD I386 and AMD64 options

    These `-m' options are defined for the [url=javascript:;] i386 [/url] and x86-64 family of computers: -mtune=cpu-type Tune to cpu-type everything applicable about the generated code, except for the ABI and the set of available instructions. The choic...

    2009-05-13 13:52:52

  • TOP命令监控系统使用状况

    [url=javascript:;] top [/url] 监控 工具 可以显示CPU占用率为前几位的进程,并 提供 CPU的实时 活动 情况 ,及 [url=javascript:;] 内存 [/url] 使用情况。 语法: top [-s time] [-d count] [-q] [-h] [-n number] [-f filename] [-o field][-U usename] -S 将 [url...

    2009-05-13 13:52:33