FreeBSD6.1入门级Web服务器配置手记 作者: BSDer发布日期: 2007-1-18 查看数: 21 出自: http://www.bsdforum.net 关于FreeBSD的介绍,我这里就不写了,大家可以自己找找,有很多 如果你是高手的话,请多多批评指正,因为本人毕竟只研究了3个星期左右,难免出现纰漏 本...
2009-05-13 06:39:47
Freebsd+Resin成功建立支持jsp平台 作者: BSDer发布日期: 2007-1-05 查看数: 28 出自: http://www.bsdforum.net 环境:FreeBsd 4.9 Apache1.3.29+php4.3.4+mysql4+ports 安装 首先要cvsup同步ports , /usr/local/bin/cvsup -g -L 2 /usr/local/etc/ports-supfile /usr...
2009-05-13 06:39:46
FreeBSD 6.2-BETA2 WebServer架设总结
FreeBSD 6.2-BETA2 WebServer架设总结 [/url] 发表于: 2006-10-29 22:21 主题:[CU原创]FreeBSD 6.2-BETA2 WebServer架设总结 //文章作者:Stuhack //作者网站:BSDer www.bsdforum.net System: FreeBSD [url]www.bsdforum.net[/ 6.2-BETA2 FreeBSD 6.2-BETA2 #0: Mon Oc...
2009-05-13 06:39:46
shell script安裝apache mysql php
shell script安裝apache mysql php #!/bin/tcsh #Program: # This program is used to install # portsnap/wget/sudo # ##### cvsup-without-gui/fastest_cvsup/portupgrade/wget/sudo ##### # Freebsd 6.1 # Mysql 5.1. # Apache 2.2.3 # Php 5.1.6 # zendoptimizer 3....
2009-05-13 06:39:12
FreeBSD 6.0 安装、优化、使用详细教程
http://www.phpv.net/article.php/278 http://www.code365.net/Learning/Server/LinuxBSD/200608/14829.html 必备知识:熟练安装windows操作系统。 一、安装 第一小节 FreeBSD版本的选择 FreeBSD版本用英文及数字来代表 5.3 5.4 6.0 6.1等,其中奇数结尾代表新功能版本...
2009-05-13 06:39:12
FreeBSD下java distribution有这样几种
========================== mount -t linprocfs linprocfs /compat/linux/proc ================================================ FreeBSD下java distribution有这样几种: 1、Native JDK For FreeBSD 2、Sun JDK For Linux(Compat) 3、IBM JDK For Linux(Compat) 4、...
2009-05-13 06:38:05
openbsd faq 10.15 - Applying patches in OpenBSD
10.15 - Applying patches in OpenBSD Even with OpenBSD, bugs happen. Some bugs may lead to reliability issues (i.e., something may cause the system to stop functioning as desired). Other bugs may lead to security vulnerabilities (which may allow other...
2009-05-13 06:38:05
COMPAT_LINUX(8) OpenBSD System Manager's Manual COMPAT_LINUX(8) NAME compat _ linux - setup for running Linux binaries under emulation DESCRIPTION OpenBSD supports running Linux binaries.This only applies to i386 sys- tems for now.Both the a.out and...
2009-05-13 06:38:04
Running Linux binaries on Openbsd
openbsd.org FAQ 9.5 Running Linux binaries on Openbsd ===================================================== 9.4 - Running Linux binaries on OpenBSD OpenBSD/i386 is able to run Linux binaries when the kernel is compiled with the COMPAT_LINUX option an...
2009-05-13 06:37:26
Web 状态机一招鲜, 第一部、Python 状态机入门
1. 入门 因为有人抱怨我在 PyQt4 的时候太跳跃了, 所以这次我们先来欲盖弥彰地补充一点基??在此之前, 请先阅读 Python2.5 手册 What's New In Python2.5 部分。请翻到第 7 章 7 PEP 342: New Generator Features。 Generator, 俗称 生成器, Python 解释器支持的基本语...
2009-05-13 06:37:26
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