Running Linux binaries on Openbsd

2009-05-13 06:37:26来源:未知 阅读 ()

新老客户大回馈,云服务器低至5折 FAQ 9.5 Running Linux binaries on Openbsd
9.4 - Running Linux binaries on OpenBSD
OpenBSD/i386 is able to run Linux binaries when the kernel is compiled
with the COMPAT_LINUX option and the runtime sysctl kern.emul.linux is
also set.
If you are using the GENERIC kernel (which you should be), COMPAT_LINUX
is already enabled, and you will just need to do:
# sysctl kern.emul.linux=1
For this to be done automatically each time the computer boots,
remove the # (comment) character at the beginning of the line
#kern.emul.linux=1      # enable running Linux binaries
in /etc/sysctl.conf, so that it reads
kern.emul.linux=1       # enable running Linux binaries
and reboot your system to have it take effect.
To run any Linux binaries that are not statically linked (most of them),
you need to follow the instructions on the

manual page.
A simple way to get most of the useful Linux libraries is
to install the redhat/base package from your nearest FTP mirror.
To find out more about the packages and ports system read
FAQ 15 - The OpenBSD Packages and Ports System
To install the above mentioned package you would issue
# export PKG_PATH=ftp://your.ftp.mirror/pub/OpenBSD/4.0/packages/i386/
# pkg_add redhat_base-8.0p8.tgz
Note that since OpenBSD 3.7,
will automatically execute sysctl to set kern.emul.linux to the correct
value upon adding this package.
However, it does not change /etc/sysctl.conf, so if you wish
Linux emulation to be enabled by default, you need to modify
kern.emul.linux there.




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