2019-03-15 09:42:05来源: ilovehost.com 阅读 ()
标题:Switching to Another Data Center? |
内容:When I first purchased shared hosting I choose the default data center location, Dallas Texas without thinking. Now I came realize there is a data center closer to me and my members (Washington DC) that has a better ping and download/upload speeds for us on the East Coast and Europe. So my question is — Is it possible to migrate to another data center if we would like? Is there a small fee involved? |
Cody答复:Simply submit a ticket and we’ll migrate you to another data center for free. Keep in mind however that there might be a few minutes of downtime for some of your users since the IP will likely have to change and it may take some users ISP’s a little to catch the change. |
标题:Switching to Another Data Center 内容:Hello,friends. Now,i find that the Seattle Data Center is very slowly,i want to change to Dallas Data Center.Please help me,thanks very much. |
转载请注明文章出处:美国主机评测网 http://www.ilovehost.com/?p=979
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