python note #1

2019-03-11 09:46:31来源:博客园 阅读 ()


To record my process of studying python and to practice my English meanwhile, I'd like to start write my blog about python with English. = ^ =


Part 1_Hello World!

 1 print (' Hello World! ') 


This code can show the best reason why I'd like to study python. Because it's so simple, clean and elegant. With python, setting language environment is not needed anymore. Just use 'print', everything is done!


Part 2_History & Development of Character Encoding

  • ASCII: best for English, which only takes up 1 bytes of your storage. 


  • Chinese: take up 3 bytes

  • Unicode: ISO released unicode to unite diffrent standards of character encoding between countries. But it took up 2 bytes to store English. To improve it, utf-8 was released. With utf-8, only 1 bytes was needed while storing English.


Part 3_Variety


  •   Combination of character, number and underscores.
  •   Don't use key words as the name of the variety.
  •   Name the variety with its meaning.
  •   With CAPITAL LETTERS naming a variety, it means that the variety is constant.

How to use?

1 name = 'It's a good day!'
2 # name a variety
3 name2 = name
4 # give a value to a new variety
5 print (' What' the weather like today?', name, name2)
6 # use varieties
 1 '''
 2 function1:多行注释
 3 function2:多行打印
 4 '''
 5 message='''
 6 Do you like this blog?
 7 If yes, that's great!
 8 If no, leave you suggestions, and I'll improve it ASAP!
 9 '''
10 print(message)
usage of '''


 Part 4_Interaction

'Input' is used to get information from users. And 'print' is used to output the information.

 1 name = input (' Please input your name:')
 2 age = input("Please input your age:") 
 3 #加入int,代表integer,整型,字符串的格式化
 4 job = input("Please input your job:")
 5 salary = input("Please input your salary:")
 7 info = '''
 8 -------------------info of {NAME} --------------------------
10 AGE: {AGE}
11 JOB: {JOB}
13 ----------------------------------------------------------------
14 ''' .format(NAME=name, AGE=age, JOB=job, SALARY=salary)
16 print (info)


Part 5_Loop ( if, elif, for, while )

Combination of If, While and Elif

Qiao is one of my roomates. To show my respect for her, I took advantage of her birth year information to write a code for you to guess. Ofcourse, please do not read the code directly. Cuz in this way, you'll get the answer directly...

 1 birthyear_of_qiao = 1997
 2 count = 0
 3 while count<3:
 4     guess = int(input("猜猜乔的出生年份:"))
 5     if guess == birthyear_of_qiao:
 6         print("干的漂亮,你猜对了!")
 7         break
 8     elif guess > birthyear_of_qiao:
 9         print("她哪有那么年轻?!!!")
10     else:
11         print("她还没那么老,好嘛。。。")
12     count +=1
13     if count == 3:
14         if_continue = input('是否要继续呢?继续的话请输入Y,退出的话请输入N:')
15         if if_continue == 'Y':
16             count = 0
17         else:
18             print ('猜不中还早早退出,太塑料兄弟情了!')
19             break
20 else:
21     print('游戏失败。。。')


 1 # continue是跳出本次循环,进入到下一次循环
 2 # break是结束全部循环
 3 for i in range(0,10,2):
 4     if i <5:
 5         print("loop",i)
 6     else:
 7         continue
 8     print('嘻嘻')
10 # 循环套循环,执行一次大循环,下面执行六次小循环
11 for i in range(10):
12     print ('-------------------',i)
13     for j in range(10):
14         print(j)
15         if j>5:
16             break





上一篇:前后端分离djangorestframework—— 接入第三方的验证码平台
