2018-09-10 01:05:42来源:博客园 阅读 ()
ATMandShopCar/ |-- bin/ | |-- |-- DataAccess
| |--ATM_UserCard.txt
| |--ATM_UserInfo.txt
| |--ATM_UserOpt.txt
| |--goods_info.txt
| |--users_info.txt
| |--users_value.txt
|-- ShopingCar/ | |-- tests/ | | |-- | | |-- | |
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| |
| |-- | |-- | |-- docs/ | |-- | |-- abc.rst | |-- |-- requirements.txt |-- README
import os import time BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))+'/DataAccess/'#设置路径 user_status = False # 用户转账接口 def ATM_UserTranster(UserID): #用户转账接口 #此程序接口不适用与管理数据量较大的数据,采用的是一次读取文件所有数据操作方式 with open(BASE_DIR +'ATM_Useropt.txt', 'a')as f: info = UserID + ' ' + '转账' + ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%X') + '\n' f.write(info) a = [] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: a.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for i,index in enumerate(a): if index[0] == UserID: if index[4] == '0': print("当前账户被冻结,无法转账!") return Balance = int(index[5]) pos=i print("账户\033[32;1m%s\033[0m可供转账余额为 :%s" % (UserID, Balance)) break while True: UserCardID = input('请输入待转账用户卡号输入q退出 :') if UserCardID.isdigit(): for index in a : if index[0] == UserCardID: Value = input("请输入转账金额输q退出:") if Value.isdigit(): Value = int(Value) if Value>Balance: print("操作失败,余额不足!") else: index[5]=str(int(index[5])+Value) a[pos][5]=str(Balance-Value) with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'w') as f: for line in a: f.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') print("转账成功!当前账户余额为 :\033[32;1m%s\033[0m"%a[pos][5]) return elif 'q' == Value: break else: pass elif 'q' == UserCardID: break else: pass #提现接口 def ATM_UserWithdrawal(UserID): with open(BASE_DIR +'ATM_Useropt.txt', 'a')as f: info = UserID+ ' '+'提现' + ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%X') + '\n' f.write(info) a = [] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: a.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for i,index in enumerate(a): if index[0] == UserID: if index[4] == '0': print("当前账户被冻结,无法提现!") return Balance = int(index[5]) print("账户\033[32;1m%s\033[0m可供提现金额为 :%s" % (UserID, Balance)) break while True: Value=input("请输入要提现的金额输入q退出:") if Value.isdigit(): Value = int(Value) if Value>Balance: print("余额不足,提现失败") else: Balance = Balance-Value print("提现成功,账户余额为 \033[32;1m%s\033[0m"%Balance) elif 'q'==Value: index[5] = str(Balance) with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'w') as f: for line in a: f.write(' '.join(line) + '\n') print("谢谢使用!") return break else: pass #流水 def ATM_UserWater(UserName,UserID): with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_Useropt.txt', 'a')as f: info = UserID + ' ' + '查流水' + ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%X') + '\n' f.write(info) user_info = [] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserInfo.txt', 'r')as f: for line in f: user_info.append(line.strip().split(' ')) T = False for line in user_info: if UserName == line[0]: T = True print('用户 :\033[32;1m%s\033[0m 购物清单 :%s 消费 :%s 日期 :%s' % (line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3])) if T == False: print("用户\033[32;1m%s\033[0m无消费记录!" % UserName) #操作记录 def ATM_UserOpt(UserID): with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_Useropt.txt', 'a')as f: info = UserID + ' ' + '查操作记录' + ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%X') + '\n' f.write(info) user_info = [] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_Useropt.txt', 'r')as f: for line in f: user_info.append(line.strip().split(' ')) T = False for line in user_info: if UserID == line[0]: T = True print('用户 :\033[32;1m%s\033[0m 操作内容 :%s 日期 :%s' % (line[0],line[1],line[2])) if T == False: print("用户\033[32;1m%s\033[0m 无操作记录!" % UserID) #还款接口 def ATM_UserReimbursement(UserID): with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_Useropt.txt', 'a')as f: info = UserID + ' ' + '还款' + ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%X') + '\n' f.write(info) a = [] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: a.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for i, index in enumerate(a): if index[0] == UserID: if index[4] == '0': print("当前账户被冻结,无法操作!") return Balance = 15000-int(index[5]) if Balance<0: print("账户\033[32;1m%s\033[0m无需还款!"%UserID) return print("账户\033[32;1m%s\033[0m需要还款金额为 :%s" % (UserID, Balance)) break while True: Value = input("请输入还款金额输入q退出 :") if Value.isdigit(): Value = int(Value) if(int(index[5])+Value)>int(index[3]): index[5] = str(int(index[5])+Value) print("还款成功,当前账户活期余额为 :%s,剩余可用信用额度为 :%s"%(int(index[5])-int(index[3]),index[3])) else: index[5] = str(int(index[5]) + Value) print("还需还款金额为 :%s,当前可用额度为 :%s" %(int(index[3])-int(index[5]),index[5])) elif Value=='q': with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'w') as f: for line in a: f.write(' '.join(line) + '\n') print("谢谢使用!") break else: pass # 用户刷卡接口 # 参数:Count_Value消费金额 def ATM_ExpensePort(Count_Value): UserInfo = [] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: UserInfo.append(line.strip().split(' ')) while True: UserID = input("请输入账户名称:") Password = input("请输入密码:") t = True for line in UserInfo: if line[0] == UserID and line[1] == Password: t = False if line[4] == '1': print("账户当前可用额度为:\033[32;1m%s\033[0m" % line[5]) if int(Count_Value) > int(line[5]): print("账户额度不足!") else: line[5] = str(int(line[5]) - int(Count_Value)) print("此次消费:\033[32;1m%s\033[0m,当前额度为:\033[32;1m%s\033[0m" % (Count_Value, line[5])) with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'w')as f: for line in UserInfo: f.write(' '.join(line) + '\n') return True else: print("帐号已被封锁,请到柜台处理!") return False if t == True: print("账户或密码错误!") pass #认证装饰器 def login(func): def inuc(*args, **kwargs): _username = "alex" # 假装这是DB里存的用户信息 _password = "123456" # 假装这是DB里存的用户信息 global user_status if user_status == False: username = input("username:") password = input("password:") if username == _username and password == _password: print("登入成功!") user_status = True if user_status == True: func(*args, **kwargs) return inuc #添加账户 @login def ATM_UserAdd(): a=[] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: a.append(line.strip().split(' ')) while True: Value = input("请输入要注册的账号,密码,用户名,以逗号隔开,输入q退出 :") if Value =='q': break else: b=Value.split(',') f = True for line in a: if line[0]==b[0]: f = False break if f==False: print("账户已存在!") pass else: b.extend(['15000','1','15000',time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d-%X')]) with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt','a')as f: f.write(' '.join(b) + '\n') print("用户注册成功!") break #用户额度管理 @login def Account_Manage(): a = [] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: a.append(line.strip().split(' ')) Over_Flag = False while True: if Over_Flag == True: break UserId = input("请输入用户账户:") if UserId.isdigit(): F = False for line in a: if UserId == line[0]: F = True print("用户当前额度为:\033[32;1m%s\033[0m"%line[3]) while True: Value = input("请输入更新额度,输入q退出:") if Value.isdigit(): line[3] = Value print("额度修改成功!") elif Value=='q': with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt','w')as f: for lines in a: f.write(' '.join(lines)+'\n') Over_Flag = True break else: print("输入有误!") break if F == False: print("账户不存在!") elif UserId == 'q': break else: print("输入有误!") pass #账户冻结 @login def user_freeze(): a=[] with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: a.append(line.strip().split(' ')) while True: UserId = input("请输入用户账户:") if UserId.isdigit(): for line in a: if UserId == line[0]: if line[4]=='1': print("账户当前状态为:\033[32;1m%s\033[0m" %('正常')) else: print("账户当前状态为:\033[32;1m%s\033[0m" %('冻结')) while True: Flag = input("1.冻结,2.解冻,q.退出:") if Flag.isdigit(): if Flag =='1': line[4] = '0' print("该账户已冻结!") elif Flag =='2': line[4] = '1' print("该账户已解冻!") else: pass elif Flag == 'q': with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserCard.txt','w')as f: for lines in a: f.write(' '.join(lines)+'\n') break else: pass elif Flag == 'q': break else: pass #查询数据库中的数据 def search_data_access(): goods=[] with open(BASE_DIR+'goods_info.txt','r')as f: for line in f: goods.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for i in range(len(goods)): print('%s 价格 :%s 库存 :%s'%(goods[i][0],goods[i][1],goods[i][2])) #添加商品操作 #参数说明:goodname 商品名 prace 价格 Num 库存量 def add_goods_opt(GoodName,prace,Num): goods = [] with open(BASE_DIR+'goods_info.txt','r')as f: for line in f: goods.append(line.strip().split(' ')) T = False for line in goods: if line[0] == GoodName: T = True print("商品已存在,添加失败!") return Info = GoodName+' '+str(prace)+' '+str(Num)+'\n' with open(BASE_DIR + 'goods_info.txt', 'a')as f: f.write(Info) print("添加商品%s成功!" %GoodName ) #删除商品操作 def delet_goods_opt(GoodName): goods=[] with open(BASE_DIR+'goods_info.txt','r')as f: for line in f: goods.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for line in goods: if GoodName == line[0]: print("删除商品%s成功!"%line[0]) goods.remove(line) with open(BASE_DIR + 'goods_info.txt', 'w')as f: for line in goods: f.write(' '.join(line) + '\n') return print("没有此商品信息,删除失败!") #修改商品参数 #参数说明:goodname 商品名 prace 价格 Num 库存量 def Change_goods_info(GoodName,prace,Num): goods = [] with open(BASE_DIR+'goods_info.txt','r')as f: for line in f: goods.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for line in goods: if line[0] == GoodName: line[1] = str(prace) line[2] = str(Num) with open(BASE_DIR+'goods_info.txt','w')as f: for lines in goods: f.write(' '.join(lines) + '\n') print("商品%s参数修改成功!"%(GoodName)) return print("数据库中没有此商品,修改失败!") #查用户余额 def user_printAccountBalance(UserName): user_info=[] with open(BASE_DIR + 'users_value.txt', 'r')as f: for line in f: user_info.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for line in user_info: if line[0] == UserName: print("\033[32;1m%s\033[0m的账户余额 :\033[32;1m%s\033[0m"%(UserName,line[1])) return #充值 # UserName :用户名,充值金额 :新老用户标识 新用户为True老用户为False def user_TopUp(UserName,Value): user_info = [] with open(BASE_DIR+'users_value.txt', 'r')as f: for line in f: user_info.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for line in user_info: if line[0] == UserName: line[1]=str(int(line[1])+Value) with open(BASE_DIR+'users_value.txt', 'w')as f: for lines in user_info: f.write(' '.join(line) + '\n') print("充值成功\033[32;1m%s\033[0m当前的账户余额 :\033[32;1m%s\033[0m" % (UserName, line[1])) return user_info = UserName + ' ' + str(Value) + '\n' with open(BASE_DIR + 'users_value.txt', 'a')as f: f.write(user_info) print("新用户充值成功\033[32;1m%s\033[0m当前的账户余额 :\033[32;1m%s\033[0m" % (UserName, Value)) #查询用户消费记录 def user_RecordsConsumption(UserName): user_info = [] with open(BASE_DIR+'users_info.txt', 'r')as f: for line in f: user_info.append(line.strip().split(' ')) T = False for line in user_info: if UserName == line[0]: T=True print('用户 :\033[32;1m%s\033[0m 购物清单 :%s 消费 :%s 日期 :%s'%(line[0],line[1],line[2],line[3])) if T==False: print("用户\033[32;1m%s\033[0m无消费记录!"%UserName) #购物车 def user_ShoopCar(Username): goods_info = [] ShoopCar = [] # 创建购物车列表 expense = 0 Salary = 0 Count = 0 with open(BASE_DIR + 'goods_info.txt', 'r')as f: for line in f: goods_info.append(line.strip().split(' ')) with open(BASE_DIR + 'users_value.txt', 'r')as f: for line in f: if line.split(' ')[0] == Username: Salary = int(line.split(' ')[1]) while True: for i, index in enumerate(goods_info): print(i, index) getNum = input("请输入要购买的商品编号,输入c结算,输入q退出:") if getNum.isdigit():# getNum=int(getNum) Count += int(goods_info[getNum][1]) ShoopCar.append(goods_info[getNum][0]) expense += int(goods_info[getNum][1])#消费入库 if int(goods_info[getNum][2]) > 0: goods_info[getNum][2] = str(int(goods_info[getNum][2])-1) print("当前已消费 :\033[32;1m%s\033[0m"%Count) elif getNum=='c':#结算 while True: opt = input("结算方式:1.余额,2.刷卡,3.退出 :") if opt.isdigit(): if opt=='1': if Salary < Count: print("余额不足") pass else: print("付款成功,当前余额为:\033[32;1m%s\033[0m"%(Salary-Count)) with open(BASE_DIR + 'users_info.txt', 'a')as f: f.write(Username + ' ' + ','.join(ShoopCar) + ' ' + str(expense) + ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%X') + '\n') with open(BASE_DIR+'goods_info.txt', 'w')as f: for line in goods_info: f.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') value_info = [] with open(BASE_DIR+'users_value.txt', 'r')as f: for line in f: value_info.append(line.strip().split(' ')) for line in value_info: if line[0] == Username: line[1] = str(Salary-Count) with open(BASE_DIR + 'users_value.txt', 'w')as f: for line in value_info: f.write(' '.join(line) + '\n') elif opt == '2':#刷卡 if ATM_ExpensePort(Count)==True:#刷卡接口 with open(BASE_DIR + 'ATM_UserInfo.txt', 'a')as f: f.write(Username + ' ' + ','.join(ShoopCar) + ' ' + str(expense) + ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%X') + '\n') with open(BASE_DIR + 'users_info.txt', 'a')as f: f.write(Username + ' ' + ','.join(ShoopCar) + ' ' + str(expense) + ' ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%X') + '\n') with open(BASE_DIR+'goods_info.txt', 'w')as f: for line in goods_info: f.write(' '.join(line)+'\n') elif opt == '3': return else: pass break elif getNum=='q':#退出 break else: pass
from ATMandShoopCar.ShoopingCar import DataAccess import os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))+'/DataAccess/'#设置路径 #ATM操作 def ATM_Opt(): a=[] with open(BASE_DIR+'ATM_UserCard.txt','r')as f: for line in f: a.append(line.strip().split(' ')) while True: opt = input("1.用户选项,2.管理员选项,输入q退出:") if opt.isdigit(): if opt =='1':#用户选项 while True: username=input("请输入用户账号,输入q退出:") if username=='q':break password=input("请输入密码,输入q退出:") if password=='q': break T = False for line in a: if line[0]==username and line[1]==password: T = True print("登入成功!!!") while True: Chose =input("1.转账,2.提现,3.消费流水,4.还款,5.用户操作记录,输入q退出: ") if Chose.isdigit(): if Chose=='1': DataAccess.ATM_UserTranster(username)#转账 elif Chose=='2': DataAccess.ATM_UserWithdrawal(username)#提现 elif Chose=='3': Username=input("请输入用户名:") DataAccess.ATM_UserWater(Username,username)#消费流水 elif Chose=='4': DataAccess.ATM_UserReimbursement(username)#还款 elif Chose=='5': DataAccess.ATM_UserOpt(username)#用户操作记录 else: pass elif Chose=='q': break else: pass break if T ==False: print("账号密码错误!!") elif opt=='2':#管理员选项 while True: Chose = input("1.添加账户,2.用户额度管理,3.账户冻结,输入q退出: ") if Chose.isdigit(): if Chose == '1': DataAccess.ATM_UserAdd()#账户添加 elif Chose =='2': DataAccess.Account_Manage() elif Chose =='3': DataAccess.user_freeze() else: pass elif Chose =='q': global user_status user_status = False break else: pass else: pass elif opt=='q': break else: pass
from ATMandShoopCar.ShoopingCar import DataAccess def ShoopingCar_Opt(): while True: Num=input("1.用户界面,2.商家界面,输入q退出 :") if Num.isdigit(): Num = int(Num) if Num == 1: username = input("Please Input The Username :") DataAccess.user_printAccountBalance(username) while True: UserChoose = input("1.查询购物记录,,3.充值,输入q返回上级目录 :") if UserChoose.isdigit(): UserChoose = int(UserChoose) if UserChoose == 1: DataAccess.user_RecordsConsumption(username)#查询购物记录 break elif UserChoose == 2: DataAccess.user_ShoopCar(username)#购物车 break elif UserChoose == 3: value = int(input("请输入充值金额 :")) DataAccess.user_TopUp(username, value)#充值 elif UserChoose=='q': break else: pass elif Num == 2:#商家界面 DataAccess.search_data_access()#打印商品信息和库存 while True: UserChoose = input("1.添加商品,2.修改商品信息,3.删除商品,输入q返回上级目录 :") if UserChoose.isdigit(): UserChoose = int(UserChoose) if UserChoose==1: goodsname=input("请输入商品名 :") goodsvalue=int(input("请输入商品价格 :")) goodnum = int(input("请输入商品数量 :")) DataAccess.add_goods_opt(goodsname, goodsvalue, goodnum)#商品添加操作 elif UserChoose==2: goodsname = input("请输入要修改的商品名 :") goodsvalue = int(input("请输入商品价格 :")) goodnum = int(input("请输入商品数量 :")) DataAccess.Change_goods_info(goodsname, goodsvalue, goodnum) elif UserChoose==3: goodsname = input("请输入要删除的商品名 :") DataAccess.delet_goods_opt(goodsname) elif UserChoose=='q': break else: pass else: pass elif Num == 'q': break else: pass
from ATMandShoopCar.ShoopingCar import ShoopingCar from ATMandShoopCar.ShoopingCar import ATM def main(): while True: opt=input("1.ATM,2.购物车,输入q退出:") if opt.isdigit(): if opt =='1': ATM.ATM_Opt() elif opt=='2': ShoopingCar.ShoopingCar_Opt() else: pass elif opt=='q': break else: pass main()
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