2018-06-28 05:38:40来源:博客园 阅读 ()
- 访问者不需要关心迭代器内部的结构,仅需通过next()方法不断去取下一个内容
- 不能随机访问集合中的某个值 ,只能从头到尾依次访问
- 访问到一半时不能往回退
- 便于循环比较大的数据集合,节省内存
s_str = "hello world!" # 使用__iter__()方法转变为可迭代对象 s_str_iter = s_str.__iter__() print(s_str_iter) # 使用可迭代对象里的next方法取值 (一直取到报异常:StopIteration) print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # print(s_str_iter.__next__()) # for 循环本质 1:先执行__iter__()转化为可迭代对象(遵循迭代协议) 2:然后依次执行__next__()方法 3:最后捕捉StopIteration异常 dic = {"name": "张三", "age": 18, "sex": "男"} dic_iter = dic.__iter__() print(dic_iter.__next__()) print(dic_iter.__next__()) # 模拟for循环输出 str = "1232456" str_iter = str.__iter__() while True: try: # print(str_iter.__next__()) # 系统next()放和可迭代对象内部的__next__方法是一样的 print(next(str_iter)) except Exception as e: print(e) break
1:生成器函数:内部使用了yield关键字 2:生成器表达式:列表推导式,返回的就是生成器
def func(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 yield 4
# 定义生成器 def my_rang(start, stop, step=0): while start <= stop: yield start + step start += 1 # 获取生成器 number = my_rang(1, 7) # 依次获取值 # print(number.__next__()) # print(number.__next__()) # print(number.__next__()) # print(number.__next__()) # print(number.__next__()) # print(number.__next__()) # print(number.__next__()) # 便利获取值 for i in my_rang(1, 7): print(i)
print("========================生成100个包子案例===========================") def product_baozi(): li = [] for i in range(100): li.append("包子%s" % i) return li l = product_baozi() print(list(l)) def product_pro(): for i in range(100): print('正在生产包子.....') yield '以产包子%d' % i print('正在售卖包子') p_pro = product_pro() print(p_pro.__next__()) print(p_pro.__next__()) print(p_pro.__next__()) # 生成器效率高 内存占用小 # yield总结: # 1、把函数做成迭代器 # 2、对比return,可以返回多次值,可以挂起/保存函数的运行状态 print("=========================人口普查案例=======================") # def get_population(): # res =[] # with open("../files/population", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: # for i in f: # res.append(i) # return res # # p_gen = get_population() # print(p_gen) def get_population(): with open("../files/population", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for i in f: yield i # 获取生成器 p_gen = get_population() # 统计总人口数 count = sum(eval(i)["population"] for i in p_gen) print(count) ppp = get_population() for i in ppp: print("%s 占统计人口的 %d %%" % (eval(i)['city'], count // eval(i)['population'])) print('=========================跑步案例=======================') def run(): i = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) print('from run') yield i i += 1 f = run() t = 0; while t <= 1: print(f.__next__()) t += 1 else: print("运行完成") # 几乎不占内存 su = sum(i for i in range(100)) print(su) # 三元表达式 age = 10 t = True if age > 10 else False # 列表推导式 lit = [i for i in range(100) if i % 2 == 0] print(lit) def test(): for i in range(4): yield i t = test() t1 = (i for i in t) t2 = (i for i in t1) print(list(t1)) # t2为空,因为t2取自t1 ,在上面t1已经打印并且释放完了,所以t2为空 print(list(t2))
import time # 生产包子 def consumer(name): print("我是【%s】,我准备开始吃包子了" % name) while True: baozi = yield time.sleep(1) print("%s 很开心把【%s】吃掉了" % (name, baozi)) # 消费包子 def producer(): c1 = consumer("张三") c2 = consumer("李四") c2.__next__() c1.__next__() for i in range(10): time.sleep(1) c1.send('包子 %s' % i) c2.send('包子 %s' % i) producer()
装饰器 = 高阶函数 + 函数嵌套+ 闭包
#1 可以被引用
· #2 可以当作参数传递
#3 返回值可以是函数
#3 可以当作容器类型的元素
def text1(): def text2(): print('我是在text1函数内部定义的text2函数。') text2() text1()
def text1(): def text2(): print('我是在text1函数内部定义的text2函数。') return text2 # 返回text2函数内存地址 # 调用 # text1()() # text1() 是调用text返回的都是text2的地址, t = text1() print(t) # 真正调用函数 t()
def text(func): def text1(): start_time = time.time() func() end_time = time.time() print("foo函数运行时间为:%s" % (end_time - start_time)) return text1 def foo(): print('来自foo函数运行模块....') foo = text(foo) foo()
@装饰器名称 ----------》python语法糖
def text(func): def text1(): start_time = time.time() func() end_time = time.time() print("foo函数运行时间为:%s" % (end_time - start_time)) return text1 @text # foo = text(foo) def foo(): print('来自foo函数运行模块....') # @text 相当于foo = text(foo) # foo = text(foo) # foo() # 为改变调用方式 foo()
from 数据库操作.MySqlHelper import MySqlHelper from 数据库操作.RedisHelper import RedisHelper from hashlib import sha1 ## 装饰器返回值 # def text1(func): # def text2(): # func() # return "text2返回值" # return text2 # # @text1 # def text(): # print('这是text1') # # t = text() # print(t) # # 装饰器带参数 # def text1(func): # def text2(a,b): # func(a,b) # return "text2返回值" # return text2 # # @text1 # def text(a,b): # print('这是text1') # print("a+b=%s"%(a+b)) # # t = text(13,14) # print(t) # 装饰器带参数 def text1(func): def text2(*args, **kwargs): func(*args, **kwargs) return "text2返回值" return text2 @text1 def text(a, b): print('这是text1') print("a+b=%s" % (a + b)) text(15, 18) # t = text(13, 14) # print(t)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 声明字符编码 # coding:utf-8 from 数据库操作.MySqlHelper import MySqlHelper from 数据库操作.RedisHelper import RedisHelper from hashlib import sha1 print("========================验证功能========================") # 定义登录返回的消息格式 result_msg = {"success": False, 'message': ''} # 定义文件读取生成器 def file_yeid(): with open("../files/users", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for row in f: yield row # file登录验证 def file_login(user_name, user_pwd): # 获取文件生成器 users = file_yeid() for row in users: try: user = eval(row) print(user) if user['user_name'] == user_name: if user['user_pwd'] == user_pwd: result_msg['success'] = True result_msg['message'] = '登录成功' else: result_msg['success'] = False result_msg['message'] = '密码错误' break except Exception as e: print('账号文件内容异常。。。。') else: result_msg['success'] = False result_msg['message'] = '用户名不存在' return result_msg # redis登录验证 def redis_login(user_name, user_pwd): redis = RedisHelper(host="", port=6379) name_value = redis.get(user_name) print("redis用户名:%s"%name_value) if name_value is None: result_msg['success'] = False result_msg['message'] = '用户名不存在' else: name_value = name_value.decode("utf8") if name_value == user_pwd: result_msg['success'] = True result_msg['message'] = '登录成功' else: result_msg['success'] = False result_msg['message'] = '密码错误' return result_msg # MySql登录验证 def mysql_login(user_name, user_pwd): # 从数据库查询 sql_helper = MySqlHelper(host='', user='admin', password='123456', db='python') sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uname = %s" params = [user_name] user_info = sql_helper.fetchall(sql, params) print(user_info) if user_info is None: result_msg['success'] = False result_msg['message'] = '用户名不存在' elif user_info[0][2] == user_pwd: result_msg['success'] = True result_msg['message'] = '登录成功' else: result_msg['success'] = False result_msg['message'] = '密码错误' return result_msg def login_verification(db_type): def login_gener(func): # 接收用户输入 user_name = input("请输入用户名:") user_pwd = input("请输入密码:") # 用户密码加密操作 s1 = sha1() s1.update(user_pwd.encode('utf-8')) pwd_sha = s1.hexdigest() print("密码加密后:%s" % pwd_sha) def login(*args, **kwargs): resut = "" if db_type == 'file_db': resut = file_login(user_name, pwd_sha) print('file登录信息:%s' % resut) elif db_type == 'redis_db': resut = redis_login(user_name, pwd_sha) print('redis登录信息:%s' % resut) elif db_type == 'mysql_db': resut = mysql_login(user_name, pwd_sha) print('mysql登录信息:%s' % resut) else: print('暂无当前数据库类型的验证!!') return if resut['success'] == True: func(user_name) else: func("游客") return login return login_gener @login_verification(db_type='redis_db') def index(name): print("欢迎[%s]来到首页。。。。。。。。。" % name) @login_verification(db_type='redis_db') def home(name): print("欢迎[%s]来到家目录" % name) # index("hehe") home() # 单个测试 # print(file_login('lisi', 'c3be7cf2877085fed38e0ec93b009e547e2929e0')) # print(redis_login('admin1', 'c3be7cf2877085fed38e0ec93b009e547e2929e')) # print(mysql_login('admin','c3be7cf2877085fed38e0ec93b009e547e2929e0'))# 密码为:123
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 声明字符编码 # coding:utf-8 import pymysql class MySqlHelper(object): def __init__(self, host, user, password, db, charset='utf8', port=3306): """ 初始化 """ = host , # 服务器名称 self.port = port # 3306, 3306 self.user = user , # 用户名 self.password = password , # 密码 self.db = db #'python', # 数据库名称 self.charset = charset #'utf8' # 字符编码 self.conn = None self.cursor = None def connect(self): """链接数据库""" db_config = { 'host':, # 服务器名称 'port': self.port, # 3306 'user': self.user, # 用户名 'password': self.password, # 密码 'db': self.db, # 数据库名称 'charset': self.charset # 字符编码 } self.conn = pymysql.connect(**db_config) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() def close(self): """关闭数据库""" self.cursor.close() self.conn.close() def execute(self, sql, params=[]): """执行数据库 增删改""" try: self.connect() self.cursor.execute(sql, params) self.conn.commit() self.close() print("OK") except Exception as e: print("异常信息如下:") print("%s" % e) def fetchall(self, sql, params=[]): """数据查询""" try: self.connect() self.cursor.execute(sql, params) result = self.cursor.fetchall() self.close() return result except Exception as e: print('%s' % e)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 声明字符编码 # coding:utf-8 from redis import * # 这种连接不需要指定数据库及密码 # = StrictRedis(host="", port=6379) class RedisHelper(): def __init__(self, host, port): = host self.port = port self.__redis = StrictRedis(host, port) def set(self, key, value): self.__redis.set(key, value) def get(self, key): return self.__redis.get(key)
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