第二周练习 part1 --- 简易版购物车程序
2018-06-18 01:49:08来源:未知 阅读 ()
1 '''启动程序后让用户输入工资,然后打印商品列表 2 用户根据编号选择购买的商品 3 用户的钱足够就直接扣钱,不够就提醒 4 可随时退出,退出时打印已购买商品和余额''' 5 6 salary=input("请输入你本月的工资: ") 7 goods=['1.可乐(12)','2.雪碧(13)','3.Notebook(5)','4.iPhone(8888)','5.Earphone(3643)'] 8 price=[12, 13, 5, 8888, 3643] 9 cost=0 10 bought = [] 11 startshop = 1 12 k = 0 13 print(goods) 14 while startshop == 1: 15 i = input('Please type the goods number of what you want to buy, when you are done, type "0" to quit: ') 16 if int(i) == 0: 17 startshop = 0 18 else: 19 if price[int(i) - 1] + cost > int(salary): 20 print("You don't have enough money.") 21 j = input('Do you want to buy other goods? Type 1 for yes, type 0 for quit: ') 22 if int(j) == 1: 23 continue 24 if int(j) == 0: 25 startshop = 0 26 else: 27 cost = cost + price[int(i) - 1] 28 bought.insert(k,goods[int(i)-1]) 29 k+= 1 30 print("You have bought ", bought[:], " and cost ", cost, " yuan.", "Now you have", int(salary) - cost, "yuan left")
-------------------------------------------------New Version---------------------------------------------------
1 salary=input("Please input your salary: ") 2 if salary.isdigit(): 3 salary = int(salary) 4 goods=['Coco(12 yuan)','Sprite(13 yuan)','Notebook(5 yuan)','iPhone(8888 yuan)','Earphone(3643 yuan)'] 5 price=[12, 13, 5, 8888, 3643] 6 cost=0 7 bought = [] 8 startshop = 1 9 k = 0 10 for a in enumerate(goods): print(a) 11 while True: 12 i = input('Please type the goods number of what you want to buy, when you are done, type "q" to quit>>> ') 13 if i.isdigit(): 14 i = int(i) 15 if i > 4 or i < 0: 16 print('Pleasure type the number shown before the merchandise.') 17 continue 18 if price[i] + cost > int(salary): 19 print("You don't have enough money.") 20 while True: 21 j = input('Do you want to buy other goods? Type y for yes, type q for quit: ') 22 if j == 'y': 23 break 24 elif j == 'q': 25 print("You have bought") 26 for w in bought: 27 print(w) 28 print("and cost", cost, "yuan.", "Now you have", salary - cost, "yuan left.") 29 exit() 30 else: 31 print('\033[41;1mPleasure type "y" or "q"!\033[0m') 32 continue 33 else: 34 cost = cost + price[i] 35 bought.insert(k, goods[i]) 36 k += 1 37 print('Added', goods[i], 'to your list successfully. Now you have', salary - cost, 'yuan left.') 38 elif i == 'q': 39 print("You have bought") 40 for w in bought: 41 print(w) 42 print("and cost", cost, "yuan.") 43 print("Now you have", salary - cost, "yuan left.") 44 exit()
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