
2008-04-09 04:08:35来源:互联网 阅读 ()


What makes a winning techical project team? A quick look at some of the factors which seem to be consistently present on winning project teams is appropriate. The degree of attention paid to each can have a distinct impact on the success of the project as well as elevating the confidence of the business client.


System Building Competence

This is absolutely critical. The ability to succeed is established within the minds of the clients as well as the project team members in the early stages of the effort. An essential component of this perception is both the management ability, the technical skills, and the sense of direction possessed by the project leadership. Both the business clients and the team can detect fairly quickly if the project leaders have "what it takes" to take them to a final product. Without question this feeling has a tremendous impact on morale.


Humphrey Watts in his book Managing the Software Process, describes a model for measuring the maturity of a software development organization. These ideas were further refined by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University. A brief summary of the maturity levels of the model (in terminology which will relate to some of the central themes of this white paper) are presented below:

Humphrey Watts在他的书《管理软件过程》中描述了一个衡量软件开发组织成熟度的模型。这些观点由Carnegie Mellon大学的软件工程组织作了进一步精炼。有关模型(有些术语与本文的一些要点有关)成熟层的简短概括如下:

Initial Level

A team or organization at this level tends to take a chaotic, ad-hoc, "invent as we go" approach toward every new systems building effort.

Repeatable Level

A team or organization at this level uses planning techniques, gathers requirements in a systematic fashion, utilizes software quality assurance techniques, and follows a patterned approach on each subsequent effort.

Defined Level

A team or organization at this level follows defined methodological steps, uses process improvement techniques to enhance the methodological approach, conducts regular training programs, views the entire systems development process from an integration perspective, and utilizes more disciplined information engineering and structured development techniques.

Managed Level

A team or organization at this level actually captures and utilizes software development metrics for future estimation and process analysis purposes. In addition, some of concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) are employed to reinforce the effectiveness of the entire development process.

Optimized Level

A team or organization at this level utilizes continuous organizational change management techniques to optimize its own operations (as well as the company's), emphasizes defect prevention rather than defect detection, and constantly seeks technological innovation opportunities.

Project Team Experience

Even within organizations with high success rates, one factor which never changes on each new effort is the amount of experience possessed by the chosen project team members. Will the project team include a business expert? If not, will the assigned members be able to effectively comprehend and discuss the business requirements and issues in the client terminology? Having someone on the team (even if only in the initial phases) who understands the business is a
great confidence builder! It allows the analysts and designers to ask the dumb or simplistic questions to someone other than the client. This actually makes more effective use of everyone's time and it adds an subsequent level of security. In addition, it puts someone in the position of making sure that "creative thinking" stays within reasonable boundaries.



