Focus on Mock Object(1)

2008-04-09 04:06:00来源:互联网 阅读 ()


Testing in isolation of Mock Objects: write focused tests that test only a single method, without side effects resulting from other objects relative.

A simple example: Account Manager Problem(based on a Database environment)

Application analysis:
class Account--two attributes: accountId and balance. Three methods: debit(-), credit( ), getBalance--quite simple and not related to other object or enrionment.
class AccountManager--Manage Account, default connect DB to get data from it. Two methods: findAccountForUser and updateAccount. Closely related to object Account and enrionment DataBase.--must be mocked to fit for unit-test.
class AccountService--one attributes: accountManager which you can confige by yourself. Two methods: setAccountManager and transfer.--This is the class we want to test. The transfer method will be testd with class MockAccountManage which implements AccountManager to let the unit-test run easily.

In the real way, solid class which implements AccountManager may connect to a database to gain the data requested. With the MockAccoundManager which tester created to replaced the default behavier of AccounManager, under your control, we can test AccountService singly.


import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class TestAccountService extends TestCase {
public void testTransferOK() {
MockAccountManager mockAccountManager = new MockAccountManager();
Account senderAccount = new Account("1", 200);
Account beneficiaryAccount = new Account("2", 100);

mockAccountManager.addAccount("1", senderAccount);
mockAccountManager.addAccount("2", beneficiaryAccount);

AccountService accountService = new AccountService();


accountService.transfer("1", "2", 50);

assertEquals(150, senderAccount.getBalance());
assertEquals(150, beneficiaryAccount.getBalance());



上一篇:Summary in Reading of JUnit in Action(1)

下一篇:Focus on Mock Object(2)