最近有一个关于MySQL版本升级的事,涉及到一些关于时间类型的细节问题需要查明,因此到官网找到相关文章,翻出来比较方便自己理解,博客这里也贴一下。 参考官网网址: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/timestamp-initialization.html 一、简介 自MySQL 5.6.5...
2018-06-18 01:42:35
在CentOS虚拟机上安装好了MySQL服务以后,在windows上用Workbench客户端去连接时碰到很多问题,现在把解决过程记录一下。 1.在Windows上ping CentOS IP是可以ping通的,在Workbench上配置好后出现如下提示, 在Windows命令行里输入 telnet 3306 执行,...
2018-06-18 01:42:45
2018-06-18 01:42:39
浅析MySQL 5.7组复制技术(Group Replication)
Group Replication is know as an up to date HA(High Availablity) solution which is supported in official versionof MySQL 5.7 since Dec. 2016.It's similar with the other two tools —— MHA(By Yoshinorim) PXC(By Percona),but not as same as them.Group R...
2018-06-18 01:42:32
Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a
今天在安装mysql时遇到了mysql服务打不开的的情况,通过在cmd中输入MySQL --console,显示错误信息,得到如下情况。 原因是InnoDB初始化异常,也就是是说,卸载mysql的时候,忘记卸载了InnoDB服务器,也就造成了,我再次重新安装服务后,再次启动mysql服务器的时候,会...
2018-06-18 01:42:15
在MySQL中,我们可以将NOT EXISTS语句转换为LEFT JOIN语句来进行优化,哪为什么会有性能提升呢? 使用NOT EXISTS方式SQL为: SELECT count ( 1 ) FROM t_monitor m WHERE NOT exists ( SELECT 1 FROM t_alarm_realtime AS a WHERE a.resource_id = m.resource_id AND a...
2018-06-18 01:42:19
Preface We've learned the machenism of MGR yesterday,Let's configurate an environment and have some test today.MGR can be installed as plugin like semisynchronous replication. Node information ID IP Hostname Database Port Port of Seed Server ID 1 19...
2018-06-18 01:42:04
2018-06-18 01:41:45
innodb correlatie innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit value: 0,[1],2 effect: control the flush operations of redo log buffer to redo logfile on disk. detail: 0,redo log buffer won't be flushed to disk after transaction commit. 1,guarantee the redo log bu...
2018-06-18 01:41:55
2018-06-18 01:41:28
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