Preface There's a common case that we neet to archive amount of records in some tables to a file or another table in different database even delete them directly.Is there a tool can do all these jobs with satisfying way?Surely it is.pt-archiver can...
2018-06-22 00:49:38
一、并发性 并发性是oltp数据库最重要的特性,但并发涉及到资源的获...
2018-06-18 01:44:53
Mysql连接不上报的异常,调了好几个小时,分享一下 2003-10061错误 这种情况就是没有启动,我是重装系统后出现,我安装的Mysql下并没有my.ini配置 windows下也是没有,服务管理上面更是没有了,只能手动去创建来启动; 1045错误 通过修改密码,在新建的my.ini,[mysqld...
2018-06-18 01:44:29
2018-06-18 01:44:28
利用Percona monitoring for zabbix监控MySQL
2018-06-18 01:44:18
MySQL事务 主要用于处理操作量答,复杂度高的数据。比如说,在人员管理系统中,你删除一个人员,你即需要删除人员的基本资料,也要删除和该人员相关的信息,如信箱,文章等等,这些数据库操作语句就构成一个事务! # 事务处理可以用来维护数据库的完整性,保证成批的SQ...
2018-06-18 01:44:16
Preface Today,I'm gonna use the Xtrabackup tool to demonstrate the procedure of backing up MySQL db server.The lastest version of Xtrabackup is 2.4.11 nowadays,but i'd rather choose the 2.4.4 version which is more popular now.Here we go. Procedure 1...
2018-06-18 01:43:58
2018-06-18 01:43:57
MySQL - 常用命令
2018-06-18 01:43:55
Preface The day before yesterday,there's a motif about the lock procedure when backing up MySQL using mysqldump or Xtrabackup in "Ask Ye" which is like a kind of QA originated by Mr. Ye. In my essay today,I'm gonna use the tool mysqlsump to do some...
2018-06-18 01:43:48
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