C++ map insert 另一个map的子集
2019-10-16 07:52:23来源:博客园 阅读 ()
C++map中 会有insert操作,举个例子
存在map A,我们截取一部分到map B中,void insert (InputIterator first, InputIterator last) ,截取的部分是 first 到 last 前一个迭代器的值
// map::insert (C++98) #include <iostream> #include <map> int main () { std::map<char,int> mymap; // first insert function version (single parameter): mymap.insert ( std::pair<char,int>('a',100) ); mymap.insert ( std::pair<char,int>('z',200) ); std::pair<std::map<char,int>::iterator,bool> ret; ret = mymap.insert ( std::pair<char,int>('z',500) ); if (ret.second==false) { std::cout << "element 'z' already existed"; std::cout << " with a value of " << ret.first->second << '\n'; } // second insert function version (with hint position): std::map<char,int>::iterator it = mymap.begin(); mymap.insert (it, std::pair<char,int>('b',300)); // max efficiency inserting mymap.insert (it, std::pair<char,int>('c',400)); // no max efficiency inserting // third insert function version (range insertion): std::map<char,int> anothermap; anothermap.insert(mymap.begin(),mymap.find('c')); // showing contents: std::cout << "mymap contains:\n"; for (it=mymap.begin(); it!=mymap.end(); ++it) std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n'; std::cout << "anothermap contains:\n"; for (it=anothermap.begin(); it!=anothermap.end(); ++it) std::cout << it->first << " => " << it->second << '\n'; return 0; }
element 'z' already existed with a value of 200 mymap contains: a => 100 b => 300 c => 400 z => 200 anothermap contains: a => 100 b => 300
详细信息可参考: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/map/map/insert/
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