HDU 5517---Triple(二维树状数组)
2018-06-17 22:28:27来源:未知 阅读 ()
C=A∗B={?a,c,d?∣?a,b?∈A, ?c,d,e?∈B and b=e}
For each ?a,b,c?∈C, its BETTER set is defined as
BETTERC(?a,b,c?)={?u,v,w?∈C∣?u,v,w?≠?a,b,c?, u≥a, v≥b, w≥c}
As a \textbf{multi-set} of triples, we define the TOP subset (as a multi-set as well) of C, denoted by TOP(C), as
You need to compute the size of TOP(C).
Each test case contains three lines. The first line contains two integers n (1≤n≤105) and m (1≤m≤105) corresponding to the size of A and B respectively.
The second line contains 2×n nonnegative integers
which describe the multi-set A, where 1≤ai,bi≤105.
The third line contains 3×m nonnegative integers
corresponding to the m triples of integers in B, where 1≤ci,di≤103 and 1≤ei≤105.
上面是从论坛上截图下来的,我觉得优化的时候,只需要用第一条即可,即:对于二元组(a,b) ,b相同的话只有最大的a值有效,所以对相同的b记录一下最大值的个数
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const int N=1e5+5; int a1[N],cnt[N]; int c[1005][1005]; struct Node { int a,c,d; int v; }tr[N]; int cmp(const Node s1,const Node s2) { if(s1.a!=s2.a) return s1.a<s2.a; if(s1.c!=s2.c) return s1.c<s2.c; return s1.d<s2.d; } int lowbit(int x) { return x&(-x); } int query(int x) { int ans=0; int i=tr[x].c; while(i<1005) { int j=tr[x].d; while(j<1005) { ans+=c[i][j]; j+=lowbit(j); } i+=lowbit(i); } return ans; } void update(int x) { int i=tr[x].c; while(i>0) { int j=tr[x].d; while(j>0) { c[i][j]++; j-=lowbit(j); } i-=lowbit(i); } } int main() { ///cout << "Hello world!" << endl; int t,Case=1; cin>>t; while(t--) { int n,m; scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); memset(a1,-1,sizeof(a1)); memset(c,0,sizeof(c)); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { int a,b; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); if(a1[b]<a){ a1[b]=a; cnt[b]=1; } else if(a1[b]==a) cnt[b]++; } int num=0; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { int c,d,e; scanf("%d%d%d",&c,&d,&e); if(a1[e]==-1) continue; tr[num].a=a1[e]; tr[num].c=c; tr[num].d=d; tr[num++].v=cnt[e]; } sort(tr,tr+num,cmp); int flag=0; int k=0; for(int i=1;i<num;i++) { if(tr[i].a==tr[k].a&&tr[i].c==tr[k].c&&tr[i].d==tr[k].d) { tr[k].v+=tr[i].v; } else{ k++; flag=1; tr[k].a=tr[i].a; tr[k].c=tr[i].c; tr[k].d=tr[i].d; tr[k].v=tr[i].v; } } long long ans=0; if(flag) ///防止 1 1 (1,1) (1,1,2) 这样的数据(但是HDU上没这样的数据); for(int i=k;i>=0;i--) { if(!query(i)) ans+=(long long)tr[i].v; update(i); } printf("Case #%d: %lld\n",Case++,ans); } return 0; }
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