HDU4010 Query on The Trees (LCT动态树)
2018-06-17 21:25:52来源:未知 阅读 ()
Query on The Trees
Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65768/65768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 6447 Accepted Submission(s):
Problem Description
There are N nodes, each node will have a unique weight Wi. We will have four kinds of operations on it and you should solve them efficiently. Wish you have fun!
For each case, the first line contains only one integer N.(1 ≤ N ≤ 300000) The next N‐1 lines each contains two integers x, y which means there is an edge between them. It also means we will give you one tree initially.
The next line will contains N integers which means the weight Wi of each node. (0 ≤ Wi ≤ 3000)
The next line will contains an integer Q. (1 ≤ Q ≤ 300000) The next Q lines will start with an integer 1, 2, 3 or 4 means the kind of this operation.
1. Given two integer x, y, you should make a new edge between these two node x and y. So after this operation, two trees will be connected to a new one.
2. Given two integer x, y, you should find the tree in the tree set who contain node x, and you should make the node x be the root of this tree, and then you should cut the edge between node y and its parent. So after this operation, a tree will be separate into two parts.
3. Given three integer w, x, y, for the x, y and all nodes between the path from x to y, you should increase their weight by w.
4. Given two integer x, y, you should check the node weights on the path between x and y, and you should output the maximum weight on it.
You should output a blank line after each test case.
Sample Input
Sample Output
We define the illegal situation of different operations: In first operation: if node x and y belong to a same tree, we think it's illegal. In second operation: if x = y or x and y not belong to a same tree, we think it's illegal. In third operation: if x and y not belong to a same tree, we think it's illegal. In fourth operation: if x and y not belong to a same tree, we think it's illegal.题意
- 如果x和y不在同一棵树上,则在x,y之间连一条边
- 如果x和y在同一棵树上,并且x!=y,则把x换为树根,并把y和其父亲分离
- 如果x和y在同一棵树上,则x到y的路径上所有的点权值加上w
- 如果x和y在同一棵树上,则输出x到y路径上的最大值
LCT —— 神奇的数据结构
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<algorithm> 3 #include<cstring> 4 5 using namespace std; 6 7 const int N = 300100; 8 int ch[N][2],fa[N],val[N],add[N],rev[N],mx[N],head[N]; 9 int st[N],top,n,m,tot; 10 struct Edge{ 11 int to,nxt; 12 }e[N<<1]; 13 14 inline int read() { 15 int x = 0,f = 1;char ch = getchar(); 16 for (; ch<'0'||ch>'9'; ch = getchar()) if (ch=='-') f = -1; 17 for (; ch>='0'&&ch<='9'; ch = getchar()) x = x * 10 + ch - '0'; 18 return x * f; 19 } 20 void add_edge(int u,int v) { 21 e[++tot].to = v,e[tot].nxt = head[u],head[u] = tot; 22 } 23 void pushup(int x) { 24 mx[x] = max(max(mx[ch[x][0]],mx[ch[x][1]]),val[x]); 25 } 26 void pushdown(int x) { 27 int l = ch[x][0],r = ch[x][1]; 28 if (rev[x]) { 29 rev[l] ^= 1;rev[r] ^= 1; 30 swap(ch[x][0],ch[x][1]); 31 rev[x] ^= 1; 32 } 33 if (add[x]) { 34 if (l) add[l] += add[x],mx[l] += add[x],val[l] += add[x]; 35 if (r) add[r] += add[x],mx[r] += add[x],val[r] += add[x]; 36 add[x] = 0; 37 } 38 } 39 bool isroot(int x) { 40 return ch[fa[x]][0]!=x && ch[fa[x]][1]!=x; 41 } 42 inline int son(int x) { 43 return ch[fa[x]][1]==x; 44 } 45 void rotate(int x) { 46 int y = fa[x],z = fa[y],b = son(x),c = son(y),a = ch[x][!b]; 47 if (!isroot(y)) ch[z][c] = x;fa[x] = z; 48 ch[x][!b] = y;fa[y] = x; 49 ch[y][b] = a;if (a) fa[a] = y; 50 pushup(y);pushup(x); 51 } 52 void splay(int x) { 53 top = 0;st[++top] = x; 54 for (int i=x; !isroot(i); i=fa[i]) st[++top] = fa[i]; 55 while (top) pushdown(st[top--]); 56 while (!isroot(x)) { 57 int y = fa[x]; 58 if (!isroot(y)) { 59 if (son(x)==son(y)) rotate(y); 60 else rotate(x); 61 } 62 rotate(x); 63 } 64 } 65 void access(int x) { 66 for (int t=0; x; t=x,x=fa[x]) { 67 splay(x);ch[x][1] = t;pushup(x); 68 } 69 } 70 void makeroot(int x) { 71 access(x);splay(x);rev[x] ^= 1; 72 } 73 void link(int x,int y) { 74 makeroot(x);fa[x] = y; 75 } 76 void cut(int x,int y) { 77 makeroot(x);access(y);splay(y); 78 ch[y][0] = fa[ch[y][0]] = 0;pushup(y); 79 } 80 int find(int x) { 81 access(x);splay(x); 82 while (ch[x][0]) x = ch[x][0]; 83 return x; 84 } 85 void update(int x,int y,int z) { 86 makeroot(x);access(y);splay(y); 87 add[y] += z;mx[y] += z;val[y] += z; 88 } 89 int query(int x,int y) { 90 makeroot(x);access(y);splay(y); 91 return mx[y]; 92 } 93 int main() { 94 while (scanf("%d",&n) != EOF) { 95 for (int i=0; i<=n; ++i) 96 head[i] = add[i] = rev[i] = fa[i] = ch[i][0] = ch[i][1] = 0; 97 mx[0] = -1e9;tot = 0; 98 for (int a,b,i=1; i<n; ++i) { 99 a = read();b = read(); 100 add_edge(a,b);add_edge(b,a); 101 } 102 for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) mx[i] = val[i] = read(); 103 st[++top] = 1; 104 for (int k=1; k<=top; ++k) { 105 int u = st[k]; 106 for (int i=head[u]; i; i=e[i].nxt) { 107 int v = e[i].to; 108 if (v != fa[u]) { 109 fa[v] = u;st[++top] = v; 110 } 111 } 112 } 113 m = read(); 114 while (m--) { 115 int opt = read(),x = read(),y = read(),w; 116 if (opt==1) { 117 if (find(x) == find(y)) puts("-1"); 118 else link(x,y); 119 } 120 else if (opt==2) { 121 if (find(x) != find(y) || x==y) puts("-1"); 122 else cut(x,y); 123 } 124 else if (opt==3) { 125 w = x;x = y;y = read(); 126 if (find(x) != find(y)) puts("-1"); 127 else update(x,y,w); 128 } 129 else { 130 if (find(x) != find(y)) puts("-1"); 131 else printf("%d\n",query(x,y)); 132 } 133 } 134 puts(""); 135 } 136 return 0; 137 }
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