2008-02-23 05:35:45来源:互联网 阅读 ()
// ListBox自画的另一种效果
// by ccrun(老妖)
// info
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Unit1.h"
#include "Unit2.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TMainForm *MainForm;
__fastcall TMainForm::TMainForm(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
// ListBox的风格,要自画必须选lbOwnerDrawFixed和lbOwnerDrawVariable
lbxMain->Style = lbOwnerDrawFixed;
// 去掉ListBox的边框,可有可无
lbxMain->Ctl3D = false;
// ListBox的每一项的高度
lbxMain->ItemHeight = 50;
pStrList = new TStringList;
// 往ListBox中添加些数据
for(int i=0; i<10; i )
lbxMain->Items->Add("ListBox Items of " String(i));
pStrList->Add("Second of " String(i) String((char)0x03) "Third of " String(i));
void __fastcall TMainForm::lbxMainDrawItem(TWinControl *Control, int Index,
TRect &Rect, TOwnerDrawState State)
// 填充的背景颜色
lbxMain->Canvas->Brush->Color = clWhite;
// 文字颜色
lbxMain->Canvas->Font->Color = clBlack;
// 填充背景
lbxMain->Canvas->FillRect (Rect) ;
// 圆角矩形的背景颜色
lbxMain->Canvas->Brush->Color = TColor(0x00FFF7F7);
// 圆角矩形的边框颜色
lbxMain->Canvas->Pen->Color = TColor(0x00131315);
// 画出圆角矩形
lbxMain->Canvas->RoundRect(Rect.Left 3, Rect.Top 3,
Rect.Right - 2, Rect.Bottom - 2, 8, 8);
// 以不同的宽度和高度再画一次,实现立体效果
lbxMain->Canvas->RoundRect(Rect.Left 3, Rect.Top 3,
Rect.Right - 3, Rect.Bottom - 3, 5, 5);
// 假如是当前选中项
// 选中项的背景颜色
lbxMain->Canvas->Brush->Color = TColor(0x00FFB2B5);
// 以不同的背景色画出选中项的圆角矩形
lbxMain->Canvas->RoundRect(Rect.Left 3, Rect.Top 3,
Rect.Right - 3, Rect.Bottom - 3, 5, 5);
// 选中项的文字颜色
lbxMain->Canvas->Font->Color = clBlue;
// 假如当前项拥有焦点
// 重画焦点虚框,实际上就是擦除了原先的焦点虚框
// 我看到CnPack的配置中好象没有去除那个框. ccrun注
::DrawFocusRect(lbxMain->Canvas->Handle, &Rect);
// 画出图标
ImageList1->Draw(lbxMain->Canvas, Rect.Left 7, (lbxMain->ItemHeight - ImageList1->Height)/2, Index, true);
// Item的第一行文字
lbxMain->Canvas->TextOutA(Rect.Left 32 10, Rect.Top 4,
String strTemp = pStrList->Strings[Index];
// Item的第二行文字
lbxMain->Canvas->TextOutA(Rect.Left 32 10, Rect.Top 18,
strTemp.SubString(1, strTemp.Pos((char)0x03) - 1).c_str());
// Item的第三行文字
lbxMain->Canvas->TextOutA(Rect.Left 32 10, Rect.Top 32,
strTemp.SubString(strTemp.Pos((char)0x03) 1, strTemp.Length()).c_str());
// 点击ListBox以后显示点击的项目
void __fastcall TMainForm::lbxMainClick(TObject *Sender)
pnlStatusBar->Caption = " " lbxMain->Items->Strings[lbxMain->ItemIndex];
void __fastcall TMainForm::FormShow(TObject *Sender)
lbxMain->ItemIndex = 0;
void __fastcall TMainForm::FormDestroy(TObject *Sender)
delete pStrList;
void __fastcall TMainForm::lbxMainDblClick(TObject *Sender)
TEditForm *p = new TEditForm(MainForm);
p->edtFirst->Text = lbxMain->Items->Strings[lbxMain->ItemIndex];
String strTemp = pStrList->Strings[lbxMain->ItemIndex];
p->edtSecond->Text = strTemp.SubString(1, strTemp.Pos((char)0x03) - 1);
p->edtThird->Text = strTemp.SubString(strTemp.Pos((char)0x03) 1, strTemp.Length());
p->pnlTitle->Caption = " 当前ListBox选中项:" String(lbxMain->ItemIndex);
p->pnlTitle->Tag = lbxMain->ItemIndex;
上一篇: 通过修改VCL源码实现自定义输入对话框
下一篇: 超星格式-
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