2008-02-23 05:44:24来源:互联网 阅读 ()
public override object Key{get{return this.key;}}
public override uint Degree{get{return this.degree;}}
//public override uint Height{get{return this.height;}}
public override bool IsEmpty()// property takes the place of IsEmpty()
return false;//generaltree wont be empty for ever
public override bool IsLeaf()
return this.degree==0;//if this trees degree is zero, it means the tree has no subtrees, so it is leaf certainly
//overwrite Object.Equals() --- reference type realization
public override bool Equals(object _obj)
if( !base.Equals(_obj) )
return false;//基类比较不相等,则不相等
GeneralTree tmpTree=(GeneralTree)_obj;
if( !Object.Equals(this.treeList,tmpTree.treeList) )
return false;
return true;
- 数据结构和算法(C#实现)系列---N叉树(二) 2008-02-23
- 数据结构和算法(C#实现)系列---二叉树 2008-02-23
- 数据结构和算法(c#实现)系列---n叉树(一)_c#教程 2008-02-23
- 数据结构和算法(c#实现)系列---n叉树(二) _c#教程 2008-02-23
- 数据结构和算法(c#实现)系列---广义树(一)_c#教程 2008-02-23
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