• FreeBSD系统备份恢复及迁移

    将FreeBSD从一块20G的硬盘迁移到另一个80G 的硬盘的最后一个主分区, 该分区大小基本上仍然在20G左右 原分区情况 Filesystem1M-blocks Used Avail CapacityMounted on /dev/ad0s1a 313 67 221 23% / devfs 0 0 0 100% /dev /dev/ad0s1e 495342 114 75% /tmp /dev/ad0s1f...

    2009-05-13 03:58:07

  • FREEBSD 下VPN的安装配置

    目标: 达到使用Windows 2000/XP进行VPN拨号连接, 软件选用mpd 1 mpd的安装 通过ports安装mpd # cd /usr/ports/net/mpd # make all install clean 2 mpd的配置 VPN配置文件有mpd.conf, mpd.links, mpd.secret /usr/local/etc/mpd/mpd.conf配置如下: default: load vpn v...

    2009-05-13 03:57:48

  • FreeBSD安装配置常见问题

    1. 系统启动反复出现timeout-resettingacd0:MODE_SENSE_BIG command timeout-resetting ata1:resetting devices...done acd0:MODE_SENSE_BIG command timeout-resetting ata1:resetting devices...done acd0:MODE_SENSE_BIG command timeout-resetting ata1:resetting...

    2009-05-13 03:57:48

  • FreeBSD常见问题集合

    1.如何使用脚本获得PID 参见脚本pid.sh, 如下: $ cat pid.sh #!/bin/sh pid=`ps -aux | grep $1 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` echo $pid 2. 将文件名从大写转换为小写 参见脚本mklower.sh, 如下: #!/bin/sh for file in $1; do newfile=`echo $file | tr [:upper...

    2009-05-13 03:57:30

  • FreeBSD的汉化与使用

    将simsun.ttf复制到/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/TTF目录中。再编译一下ttmkfdir: cd /usr/ports/x11-fonts/ttmkfdir make install clean 装好ttmkfdir后,生成一下simsun的font说明文件: cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF ttmkfdir fonts.dir cp fonts.dir fonts.scale 再...

    2009-05-13 03:57:04

  • 字体发虚解决

    将Windows XP 下的字体 simsun.ttc , verdana.ttf, tahoma.ttf , simhei.ttf , stliti.ttf , simfang.ttf , simkai.ttf , mingliu.ttc ,复制到 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/改后缀为 .ttf SimSun true true false NSimSun true true false SimSun 16 false true...

    2009-05-13 03:57:04

  • 04-Preface (07-17-2006)

    Preface What was it about UNIX that won my heart? . . . UNIX is mysterious when you first approach. A little intimidating, too. But despite an unadorned and often plain presentation, the discerning suitor can tell there's lot going on under the surf...

    2009-05-13 03:57:04

  • 03-About the Author&Contributors&Acknowled

    About the Author Dru Lavigne is the author of ONLamp.com's FreeBSD Basics column and has been an avid BSD user since FreeBSD 2.2.1. As an IT instructor, she specializes in networking, routing, and security. She is also responsible for ISECOM's Protoc...

    2009-05-13 03:56:33

  • 02-Table of Contents (07-17-2006)

    [url=mk:@MSITStore:C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\new\桌面\OReilly.BSD.Hacks.May.2004.chm::/0596006799/main.html][/url] screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zo...

    2009-05-13 03:56:33

  • 01-about BSD Hacks (07-17-2006)

    BSD Hacks By Dru Lavigne Publisher : O'Reilly Pub Date : May 2004 ISBN : 0-596-00679-9 Pages : 300 Looking for a unique set of practical tips, tricks, and tools for administrators and power users of BSD systems? From hacks to customize the user envi...

    2009-05-13 03:56:33