03-About the Author&Contributors&Ackn…
2009-05-13 03:56:33来源:未知 阅读 ()

Dru Lavigne is the author of ONLamp.com's FreeBSD Basics column and has been an avid BSD user since FreeBSD 2.2.1. As an IT instructor, she specializes in networking, routing, and security. She is also responsible for ISECOM's Protocol Database, which can be found at
The following people contributed their hacks, writing, and inspiration to this book:
John Richard, known locally as JR, is a system administrator in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. His trademark in the field is his insistence on a FreeBSD box as the primary firewall on a network. He has enjoyed working with the author in the past at a private college in Kingston. In his spare time, he experiments with FreeBSD and rides his Harley-Davidson.
[url=mk:@MSITStore:C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\new\桌面\OReilly.BSD.Hacks.May.2004.chm::/0596006799/bsdhks-CHP-6-SECT-12.html#bsdhks-CHP-6-SECT-12][Hack #64][/url]
Joe Warner is a Technical Analyst for Siemens Medical Solutions Health Services Corporation and has been using FreeBSD as a server and desktop since October of 2000. Joe has lived in Salt Lake City, Utah for most of his life and enjoys *BSD, computing, history, and The Matrix.
Dan Langille (
) runs a consulting group in Ottawa, Canada. He has fond memories of his years in New Zealand, where the climate is much more conducive to year-round mountain biking. He lives in a house ruled by felines.
[url=mk:@MSITStore:C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\new\桌面\OReilly.BSD.Hacks.May.2004.chm::/0596006799/bsdhks-CHP-4-SECT-8.html#bsdhks-CHP-4-SECT-8][Hack #41][/url]
Robert Bernier's professional career has included engineering, accident investigation, and Olympic trials. In the 1980s, his interest returned to IT when he realized he wouldn't have to use a punch card anymore. Eventually he discovered Linux and by the mid-1990s had developed a passion for all things open source. Today, Robert teaches at the local community college and writes for a number of IT publications based in North America and Europe.
[url=mk:@MSITStore:C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\new\桌面\OReilly.BSD.Hacks.May.2004.chm::/0596006799/bsdhks-CHP-1-SECT-13.html#bsdhks-CHP-1-SECT-13][Hack #12][/url]
Kirk Russell (
) is a kernel tester at QNX Software Systems (标签:
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