cd/usr/ports/security/sudo make install clean; visudo jxtm ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/sbin/halt -p 这样jxtm这个用户可以在命令前加 [url=javascript:;] sudo [/url] 来执行 [url=javascript:;] halt [/url] -p,且不需要密码。 再在你在该用户的 .shrc里 最后加上一行...
2009-05-13 13:40:17
How to: Detect Duplicate IP Address With arping co
Q . I run quite large network with different subnets. I'd like to know how can I find out duplicate IP address under Linux / UNIX? A . You can use arppingcommand. The arping utility performs an action similar to ping command,but at the Ethernet laye...
2009-05-13 13:40:17
Q. I'm experiencingdecreased network performance due to [url=javascript:;] ARP [/url] broadcasts coming from onesystem. What would cause a lot of ARP broadcasts from one server /computer? A. ARP convers a 32 bit IPaddress into a 48-bit Ethernet addr...
2009-05-13 13:40:17
2008硬盘磨损年,你需要这个 [url=javascript:;] 工具 [/url] ,是的,即使你有 [url=javascript:;] 备份 [/url] ,只要那备份不是实时的,你还是会需要这个工具。 [url=javascript:;] recoverdisk [/url] (1)是 [url=javascript:;] FreeBSD [/url] 7.0新引入基本系统(...
2009-05-13 13:39:58
Apache Log POST Data To A Log File
Q.How do I [url=javascript:;] log [/url] [url=javascript:;] POST [/url] [url=javascript:;] data [/url] submitted by our user registration form to a log file under Debian Linux [url=javascript:;] Apache [/url] 2 Web Server? A.You can use mod_security...
2009-05-13 13:39:58
Step by Step: Using Samba to join a Windows Domain
In this article, I give you the steps you need to use [url=javascript:;] Samba [/url] to join to a [url=javascript:;] Windows [/url] [url=javascript:;] domain [/url] . The primary domain controller (PDC) will serve as the password server for the dom...
2009-05-13 13:39:38
FreeBSD Configure Apache 2.2 PHP with FastCGI mod_
Q. I'd like to switch from mod_php5 to mod_fastcgi. I'm using [url=javascript:;] FreeBSD [/url] 7 release along with following software: + [url=javascript:;] Apache [/url] 2.2 + [url=javascript:;] PHP [/url] as mod_php5 + MySQL DB 5.1.23 server How...
2009-05-13 13:39:38
BSD内核编译相对来说比linux的内核简单 内核文件配置好以后就能够进行内核的编译了,一般有两种编译的方式,我们采取传统的编译方式。 我们进入 /usr/src/sys/i386/conf 目录: # cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf 运行config命令来产生内核源代码。 # /usr/sbin/config GENE...
2009-05-13 13:39:38
BSD 备忘录
01.查看网络流量 a.systat -if 1 (1表示1s刷新屏幕一次) b.netstat 1 # Traffic 流量 peak 峰值 average 平均值 02.查看硬盘信息 diskinfo -vt /dev/ad0 03.查看核心信息 vmstat 1 04.断电后系统无法启动 a.启动到sing user模式 b.fsck c.reboot 05.硬盘分区时-shift...
2009-05-13 13:39:26
用 IPFW 为 FreeBSD 操作系统建立防火墙
Ipfirewall (即IPFW)是一个FreeBSD操作系统下的IP数据包过滤和通信记录工具。IPFW作为一个独立的运行时刻可装载模块,就包含在基本的 FreeBSD安装包中。在rc.conf中含有语句“firewall_enable=YES”时,系统会动态地装载内核模块。 第一步:为IPFW而编译FreeBSD内核...
2009-05-13 13:39:06
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