
2009-05-13 13:40:17来源:未知 阅读 ()


Q.I'm experiencingdecreased network performance due to
broadcasts coming from onesystem. What would cause a lot of ARP broadcasts from one server /computer?
A.ARP convers a 32 bit IPaddress into a 48-bit Ethernet address. The Address Resolution Protocol(ARP), is used to do this under FDDI or Ethernet. ARP works bybroadcasting a packet to all hosts attached to an Ethernet. The packetcontains the IP address the sender is interested in communicating with.Most hosts ignore the packet. The target machine, recognizing that theIP address in the packet matches its own, returns an answer.
Reasons For Excessive ARP Broadcasts Requests[a]Duplicate IP addresses- Make sure IPs are correctly assigned. Use
arpping command
to detect all duplicate IP address.
[ b] Make suresubnet masks are validfor entire network.
[c]Disable IPMI-LANconnection if not used via BIOS or motherboard / server setup utility
[d]Replace NICas it may be soon going out of service (failing NIC)
I recommend runningEthereal software- a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows to troubleshoot problem further.





下一篇:How to: Detect Duplicate IP Address With arping co