Apache web server (again)

2009-05-13 13:20:48来源:未知 阅读 ()


See also
Apache topics
1 September 1998
Installing apache is pretty straight forward.  However, I've mucked this one up.
The first attempt
First, I installed the wrong version of apache (/usr/ports/www/apache13).   However, I wanted FrontPage extensions, so I should have installed apache-fp.   But you need the
security package DES
for that.  As I found out when I tried to install it.
I followed the instructions found in the
FreeBSD handbook
compiling ports from the CDROM
.  I chose /usr/ports/security/p5-Crypt-DES.  Then I checked to see which
crypt mechanism
was installed.  Hmmm, it was still libscrypt and not libdescrypt.
So I figured that DES failed to install.  So I used /stand/sysinstall to get DES.  I selected: Index, Dists - DES, DES.  But then I wasn't sure what to do next.  I had been searching the manuals, but I found nothing.  I even rebooted.
Then I went back to the DES directory and did a MAKE INSTALL.  It failed.   OOPS!  Forgot to remount the CDROM.  After doing that, I checked the encryption libraries by doing:
ls -l /usr/lib/libcrypt*
WOO HOO!  I found the DES files.
I suspect that because Apache was running when I installed DES.  So after rebooting, the next make install succeeded.
Now I went to /usr/ports/www/apache-fp and followed
the instructions at my favoured resource.
  I choose the option of:
make install -DSUEXEC
That's when this familiar message appeared:
WARNING: MS FrontPage Extentions require the DES Library
WARNING: Install the DES Library, then build apach-fp
And yes, that is how they spell extensions.  But I'd already installed DES!
So I rebooted to see if that made any difference.  Then I repeated the above.   Now it's complaining about /usr/ports/distfiles already existing.  Oh yes, that's because I have that as a symbolic link for building from CDROM.  But now I'm building from the Internet.  So I removed that directory.  Now it's building again
10:45 pm
Now it's been building for over 90 minutes.  Downloading fp30.bsdi3.tar.Z from ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/products/frontpage actually.  It's up to almost 8 Mb on an ADSL line.  That must be one slow server.  And I'll bet it's NT and not FreeBSD!
I'll finish this another night.
10:55 pm
DOH!  Just as I published the above, the download finished.  I'm not very impressed with the speed.  According to the stats, 8,902,416 bytes were transferred in 5716.4 seconds.  That's a grand total of 1.52Kbytes/second.  I can get faster speeds over my 14.4 modem!



上一篇:installing qpopper (a POP server)
