installing qpopper (a POP server)

2009-05-13 13:20:29来源:未知 阅读 ()


see also
Getting local names to resolve (DNS)

Note: several people have contacted me to say qpopper is subject to some exploits.  The information I have says that these problems have been corrected in recent versions.
31 August 1998
I'm installing a POP server so I can access the mail on my FreeBSD machine from my NT1 machine (see
for details).  As part of the normal running of the system, daily, weekly, and monthly reports are sent to the root mailbox.   I want to read these without logging onto the main server.  I already have a POP3 compatible mail client installed on my NT1 box.  Now all I need is a POP3 server on my FreeBSD box.
The rest of this page outlines how to install a POP3 server, namely qpopper.
Compiling the port
To compile the port, I followed the instructions for
Compiling ports from CDROM
as found in the
FreeBSD Handbook
Adding the aliases
You cannot read the root mailbox from over the net.  It can only be read locally.   This is a security feature.  An alternative is to forward mail from the root account to another account which can be ready via the network.  I'd already done this once, so I just consulted the
original notes I made
Modifying /etc/inetd.conf
/etc/inetd.conf must be modified in order to run the POP server.  Again, I've already done this, so I used my
original notes
Close, but not quite
After this, the POP server was up and running.  But I had a slight problem, which I'd once encountered before.  Whenever I retrieved mail using the POP server, the following message appeared on the console:
unable to get canonical name of client
But I knew what the problem was.  It was my name resolution, or DNS.  The cause of my problem was the contents of /etc/resolv.conf.  Again, I used my original notes on
resolv.conf is being modified, and not by me
in order to fix my /etc/dhclient.conf file.  Here's what I finally used:
prepend domain-name "";
prepend domain-name-servers
This gave me:
Not quite what I want.  But close.  The goal is to not have appearing in the search line.  That's for another day.
16 October 1998
A recent email prompted me to add my
file to the website.  It might help.  But remember to try an empty file first.   See also



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