05-Readers' Guide(07-23-2006)
2009-05-13 04:01:22来源:未知 阅读 ()
Why BSD Hacks?
The term hacking has an unfortunate reputation in the popular press, where it often refers to someone who breaks into systems or wreaks havoc with computers. Among enthusiasts, on the other hand, the term hack refers to a "quick-n-dirty" solution to a problem or a clever way to do something. The term hacker is very much a compliment, praising someone for being creative and having the technical chops to get things done. O'Reilly's Hacks series is an attempt to reclaim the word, document the ways people are hacking (in a good way), and pass the hacker ethic of creative participation on to a new generation of hackers. Seeing how others approach systems and problems is often the quickest way to learn about a new technology.
BSD Hacks is all about making the most of your BSD system. The BSDs of today have a proud lineage, tracing back to some of the original hackers—people who built Unix and the Internet as we know it today. As you'd expect, they faced many problems and solved problems both quickly and elegantly. We've collected some of that wisdom, both classic and modern, about using the command line, securing systems, keeping track of your files, making backups, and, most importantly, how to become your own BSD guru along the way.
How to Use this Book
One of the beauties of Unix is that you can be very productive with surprisingly little knowledge. Even better, each new trick you learn can shave minutes off of your day. We've arranged the chapters in this book by subject area, not by any suggested order of learning. Skip around to what interests you most or solves your current problem. If the current hack depends on information in another hack, we'll include a link for you to follow.
Furthermore, the "See Also" sections at the end of individual hacks often include references such as man fortune. These refer to the manual pages installed on your machine. If you're not familiar with these manpages, start with
[url=mk:@MSITStore:C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\admin\桌面\OReilly.BSD.Hacks.May.2004.chm::/0596006799/bsdhks-CHP-9-SECT-2.html#bsdhks-CHP-9-SECT-2][Hack #89][/url]
How This Book Is Organized
To master BSD, you'll have to understand several topics. We've arranged the hacks loosely into chapters. They are:
[url=mk:@MSITStore:C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\admin\桌面\OReilly.BSD.Hacks.May.2004.chm::/0596006799/bsdhks-CHP-1.html#bsdhks-CHP-1]Chapter 1[/url]
Customizing the User Environment
Though modern BSDs have myriad graphical applications and utilities, the combined wisdom of 35 years of command-line programs is just a shell away. This chapter demonstrates how to make the most of the command line, customizing it to your needs and preferences.
[url=mk:@MSITStore:C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\admin\桌面\OReilly.BSD.Hacks.May.2004.chm::/0596006799/bsdhks-CHP-2.html#bsdhks-CHP-2]Chapter 2[/url]
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