Watertown, CT——美国西蒙,全球通信布线领域的领导厂商,今天宣布其在美国和加拿大的经营活动已达到了负碳排放。为实现这个绿色标杆,西蒙采取了积极的改善环境的举措,包括开发更有能源效益的和可持续发展的生产流程,零垃圾的再循环,更多地使用可再生能源,如太阳能,并通过广泛的森林保护实施碳抵消。西蒙是第一个也是唯一一个实现了这一显著的绿色里程碑的网络布线制造商。Company's carbon reductions and offsets exceed actual emissions by over 330%
Watertown, CT, USA — Siemon, a worldwide leader in IT network infrastructure, today announced that its US and Canada operations have achieved carbon negativity.Siemon is the first and only network cabling manufacturer to achieve this notable green milestone.The announcement is based on an extensive audit that identified Siemon's 2009 US and Canada-based carbon emission sources and calculated their total carbon footprint utilizing publicly available US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data.这一声明是基于广泛的审计来确定西蒙在2009年在美国和加拿大的碳排放源,并利用公开的美国环境保护局(EPA)的数据来计算总的碳足迹。 The scope of the study focused on facility-level emissions within organizational boundaries as specified by ISO 14064-1 and included electricity and fossil fuel usage-related CO2 output at Siemon's Watertown, CT based global headquarters and United States manufacturing facility as well as the effects of the facility's waste management programs.这项研究的范围集中在由ISO 14064-1指定的组织内各种设施的排放量,包括西蒙美国总部和美国工厂的电力和化石燃料的使用,这些都与二氧化碳排放量有关。同时也考核企业废物管理方案的效果。 该The audit also compiled fuel consumption for the company's US and Canada auto fleet and air travel.审计还收集了公司在美国和加拿大的汽车车队和空中旅行所需的燃料消耗。
Siemon's 2009 carbon reduction and sustainability programs were also analyzed using EPA data.西蒙在2009年的碳减少和可持续性方案也采用美国环保局(EPA)的数据来分析。 根According to the calculations, Branch Hill Farms, a 3000 acre tree farm established and operated by the Siemon Company board of directors as well as 900 metric tons of waste recycled at Siemon in 2009 and company's clean solar energy system further reduced yearly carbon output by a combined 16,330 metric tons.据计算,由西蒙公司董事会创建和管理的3000英亩的Branch Hill林场,和西蒙在2009年的900吨的废物循环再利用,以及公司的清洁太阳能系统,进一步减少了每年的碳排放,总计减少16330吨。
比起Balanced against the approximately 4880 metric tons of CO2 emissions, the combined 16,330 metric tons of carbon reductions and offsets noted above brings Siemon's total US and Canada carbon footprint figures to negative 11,450 metric tons - a carbon reduction over 3.3 times larger than the company's actual carbon output.大约4880吨的二氧化碳总排放量,上面提到的总计16330吨的碳减少和碳抵消为西蒙公司的美国和加拿大的碳足迹总数带来了负11450吨的碳排放 —— 公司的碳减少比起公司实际的碳排放超过3.3倍。
"Just about every enterprise - especially manufacturers like Siemon - will produce carbon, but our success proves that there are economical and effective ways to offset the impact of those emissions," explained Carl Siemon, the company's CEO.“几乎所有的企业—— 尤其是像西蒙这样的制造商—— 将产生碳排放,但是我们的成功证明了可以通过经济有效的方式来抵消这些碳排放的影响。”美国西蒙公司的总裁卡尔.西蒙解释道。
According to Mr. Siemon, his company's approach was twofold.据西蒙先生所说,西蒙公司的做法是多方面的。 Siemon adheres to longstanding continual improvement policies that drive efficient manufacturing and business processes.西蒙坚持长期持续改善的政策,推动高效的制造和业务流程。 A more efficient use of energy and materials is not only sound business practice, but also makes the company a more environmentally sustainable operation.更有效地使用能源和材料不仅是良好的商业惯例,而且还让公司拥有更加有利环境生态平衡的运营。除了确信在源头上减少碳排放之外,西蒙还通过开发更好的废物管理,替代燃料等方式进一步抵消碳排放。 As Siemon continues to improve internal operations and processes, they are also working proactively with suppliers and partners to identify areas where mutual improvements to upstream and downstream impact can be made.正如西蒙持续不断地改善内部运作和流程一样,西蒙还积极地与供应商和商业伙伴一起合作,以确定在某些领域可以相互改善上游和下游的影响。
"We didn't set out to be carbon negative," Mr. Siemon explained. “我们并没有着手于负碳排放,”西蒙先生解释说。 "We just want to be as efficient and environmentally responsible as possible. Being carbon negative is the natural result of over 50 years of progressive environmental stewardship." “我们只是想要更高的效率,并尽可能对环境负责。现在的负碳排放,是西蒙公司50多年来不断进行的环境管理的自然结果。”