2019-04-03 来源:多智时代
- Numberof email users worldwide.)
- 全球电子邮件日发送量(Total emailtrafficper day worldwide.)
- 和工作无关的邮件内容比例(Share of emails that wereconsiderednon-essential.)
- 2012年全球电子邮件客户端的数量(Number of emailclientsworldwide in 2012.)
- 最流行的电子邮件客户端iOS的份额,是Mail for iOS(Usage share of the mostpopularemail client, which was Mail for iOS.)
- 全球Gmail邮箱的活跃用户,Gmail是全球第一大邮件服务提供商(Number ofactive Gmail usersglobally, making it theleading email providerworldwide.)
- 垃圾邮件的市场份额(Percentage of all email traffic that wasspam.)
- 垃圾邮件中医药类广告所占的市场份额(Percentage of all spam that was about pharmaceuticals, thetop categoryof all spam.)
- 带网络钓鱼的邮件占比(Share of worldwide emails that comprised some form ofphishingattack.)
- 43% Top百万网站服务器在美国(Share of the top 1 million websites that arehostedin the U.S.)
- 前100大博客中有48%使用Wordpress(Share of the thetop 100 blogsthat run WordPress.)
- 前1万网站中有75%使用开源软件搭建(Share of the top 10,000 websites that areserved byopen source software.)
- Tumblr文章的数量为8780万(Number ofTumblr blogs.)
- Tumblr的PV高达178亿(Number ofpage viewsfor Tumblr.)
- 全球wordpress站点数为5940万(Number ofWordPress sitesaround the world.)
- 每月由wordpress搭建的网页被访问的数量有35亿(Number ofwebpagesrun by WordPress viewed each month.)
- 2012年Reddit的PV有370亿(Number ofpageviewsfor in 2012.)
- 2012年网页的大小平均增长了35%(The average web page became this muchlargerduring2012.)
- 网页加载速度变慢4%(The average web page became this muchslowerto load during 2012.)
- 11月份访问google系网站的用户高达1.91亿,是美国最大的网站(Number of visitors to Google Sites,thenumber 1 web propertyin the U.S. in November.)
- – Apache服务器的网站数量下降了6.7%(Decline in the number of Apachewebsitesin 2012.)
- – IIS网站的数量增长了32.4%(Growth in the number of IISwebsitesin 2012.)
- – Nginx网站的数量增长了36.4%(Growth in the number of NGINXwebsitesin 2012.)
- – Google网站的数量增长15.9%(Growth in the number of Googlewebsitesin 2012.)
- 全球顶级域名的注册量2.46亿 (Number ofdomain nameregistrationsacross all top-level domains.)
- 国家级域名的注册量1.049亿(Numberof country code top-level domain name registrations.
- 329个顶级域名域(Numberof top level domains.)
- .com的域名数量1亿( domain names at the end of 2012.)
- .net的域名数量1410万( domain names at the end of 2012.)
- .org的域名数量970万( domain names at the end of 2012.)
- .info的域名数量670万( domain names at the end of 2012.)
- .biz的域名数量220万( domain names at the end of 2012.)
- Godaddy域名数量的市场份额为32.44%(Market sharefor, the biggest domain name registrar in the world.)
- 2012年卖出的添加域名,售价为240万美元;(The price, themost expensivedomain name sold in 2012.)
- Number of Internetusersworldwide.)
- 亚洲网民数量11亿(Number of Internetusersin Asia.)
- 欧洲网民数量5.19亿(Number of Internetusersin Europe.)
- 北美网民数量2.74亿(Number of Internetusersin North America.)
- 拉美/加勒比网民数量2.55亿(Number of Internetusersin Latin America / Caribbean.)
- 非洲网民的数量1.67亿(Number of Internetusersin Africa.)
- 中东网民的数量9000万(Number of Internetusersin the Middle East.)
- 澳大利亚网民数量2430万(Number of Internetusersin Oceania / Australia.)
- 中国网民数量5.65亿(Number ofInternet usersin China, more than any other country in the world.)
- 中国网民的渗透率42.1%(Internetpenetrationin China.)
- 巴西用户每个Facebook页面的月发送量达85962,是最活跃的国家(Number of monthlyposts per Facebook Pagein Brazil, the most active country on Facebook.)
- 10月份,Facebook月活跃用户突破10亿(Number of monthly activeuserson Facebook, passed in October.)
- 47%的Facebook用户是女性(Percentage of Facebook users that arefemale.)
- Facebook用户的平均年龄40.5岁(Averageageof aFacebook user.)
- 每天Facebook Like的数量27亿(Number oflikeson Facebook every day.)
- 前10000网站中跟Facebook整合的比例为24.3%(Share of the top 10,000 websites that haveFacebook integration.)
- 12月份,Twitter的月活跃用户突破2亿(Monthly activeuserson Twitter, passed in December.)
- Obama的“Four more yease”是转发最高的推,高达819000(Number of retweets ofBarack Obama’s tweet “Four more years”, the mostretweetsever.)
- 当奥巴马当选时,每分钟的推特量达327,452(Number oftweets per minutewhen Barack Obama was re-elected, the most ever.)
- 2012年与2013年之交,新浪微博每分钟的信息量达729571(Number ofmessages per minutewhen the Chinese microblogging serviceSina Weibo saw 2012 finish and 2013 start.)
- 伦敦奥运会开幕式的推特量为966万(Number of tweets during theopening ceremonyof the London 2012 olympics.)
- 2012年平均每天的Twitter数量1.75亿(Average number of tweets sentevery daythroughout 2012.)
- Twitter用户的平均年龄37.3(Averageageof a Twitter user.)
- 平均每位Twitter用户的信息量(Number oftweetsby the average Twitter user.)
- 平均每个Twitter用户的粉丝数量(Average number offollowersper Twitter user.)
- 7月份,Twitter累计发送的信息量达到1630亿(thenumber of tweetssince Twitter started, passed in July.)
- 拥有Twitter账号的美国洲领导们Number ofheads of statethat have a Twitter account.
- LinkedIn用户的数量1.87亿(Number ofmemberson LinkedIn (September).
- linkedin 用户的平均年龄44.2岁(Averageageof a Linkedin user.)
- Google+的月活跃用户量1.35亿(Number ofmonthlyactive users onGoogle+.)
- Google+ +1按钮每年的使用量50亿(How many times per day the+1 buttonon Google+ is used.)
- 全球100品牌中使用Hootsuit作为社会化媒体管理工具的比例占20.8%(Usage share of HootSuite as asocial media management toolamong the world’s top 100 brands.)
- 2012年google的搜索量为1.2万亿(Number ofsearcheson Googlein 2012.)
- Google 美国的时长份额为67%(Google’s market-leadingshareof the U.S. search market (December).
- The top trendingquestionof the year on “Will Rob and Kristen get back together?”
- 全球智能手机订户数11亿人(Number of global smartphonesubscribers.)
- 67亿移动用户数(Number of mobilesubscriptions.)
- 50亿手机用户数(Number of mobile phoneusers.)
- 手机数量53亿(Number of mobilehandsets.)
- 2012年底智能手机用户数13亿(Number ofsmartphonesin use worldwide by end of 2012.)
- 2012年Android手机的销量达4.65亿,市场份额为66%(Number ofAndroid smartphonessold in 2012, a 66% market share.)
- 31%的美国网民使用平板或电子书阅读器(Percentage of the U.S. Internet population thatused a tablet or e-reader.)
- 移动占全球互联网流量的13%(Mobile share ofglobalInternet traffic.)
- Number of mobile broadbandsubscriptions.)
- 2012年每月全球移动数据流量估计达1.3EB(Estimated global mobiledata trafficper month in 2012.)
- Video占据了全球59%的移动数据流量(Share of global mobile data traffic that wasvideo.)
- 平均每个智能手机用户月消费的流量为500M(Amount of monthly data trafficconsumedby the average smartphone.)
- 全球移动用户的平均链接速度为504kbps(The average mobile networkconnection speedglobally (all handsets).
- 智能手机用户的平均连接速度为1820kbps(The average mobile networkconnection speedglobally (smartphones).
- Vimeo的用户为1400万(Number of Vimeousers.)
- 2012年Vimeo上播放的视频数据高达200PB(Amount ofvideo playedon Vimeo during 2012.)
- 9月份访问google视频站的用户数150,648,303(Number of unique visitors for video to Google Sites, thenumber one video property(September).
- 5个月的时间里,PSY的江南style以10亿的播放量成为第一在线视频(PSY’sGagnam Stylevideo became thefirst online video toreach1 billion views (currently just over 1.1 billion) and it achieved it in just 5 months.)
- 美国大选期间,标签为Obama或Romney的上传到youtube的视频播放量为27亿(Number of views of videosuploadedto YouTube tagged Obama or Romneyduring the 2012 U.S. election cycle)
- 和新闻相关的被上传到Youtube的视频时长为250万小时(Number of hours ofnews-related videothat was uploaded to YouTube.)
- The number ofconcurrent viewersof thelifestreamof Felix Baumgartner’s jump from the edge of space, the most ever on YouTube.
- YouTube每月观看的视频小时数高达40亿(Number ofhours of videowe watched on YouTube per month.)
- Ustream月观众量6000千万(Number of globalviewersmonthly on Ustream.)
- 在24小时内,Ustream上最高的总观众量为1680万人(Number oftotal viewersin a 24 hour period for a video on Ustream, the most ever.)
- 12月份,美国网络视频的独立访客数为1.81717亿(Number of total unique viewers of online video in the U.S. duringDecember.)
- Facebook上每月照片的增加量7Pb(How much photo content Facebookaddedevery month.)
- 每天增加到Facebook的照片数量3亿(Number of new photosaddedevery day to Facebook.)
- 自Instagram成立以来,在2012年9月上传的图片总量为50亿。Thetotal number of photosuploaded to Instagram since its start, reached in September 2012.
- 每秒钟上传到Instagram的照片数量58张(Number of photos uploadedevery secondto Instagram.)
- 苹果iPhone4s是Flickr上最流行的照相机(Apple iPhone 4S was the most popularcameraon Flickr.
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