[分享]腾讯直播开源iOS音视频采集与RTMP推流 GDLiveStreaming
Features 功能点
- Capturing and filtering live video via GPUImage
- Focusing and Exposure on tap: GDLCameraUtil (点击屏幕以聚焦)
- Pause and resume during recording: GDLAlignVideoAudioTimestamp (在视频录制中遇到以下情况时会暂停)
- Rotate camera between front and rear (前后旋转摄像头)
- Incoming call(来电提醒)
- Alarm (闹钟)
- Rotate camera between front and rear (前后旋转摄像头)
- H264 video encoding using VideoToolbox (H264)
- Push stream through RTMP (视频推流RTMP)
To run the example project:
- Clone the repo, run git submodule update –init in the root directory.
- Run pod install from the Example directory and open GDLiveStreaming.xcworkspace file.
Installation 支持cocoapods安装,在podfile文件中增加以下代码:
GDLiveStreaming is available through CocoaPods. To installit, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
[Objective-C] 查看源文件 复制代码
pod 'GDLiveStreaming', :git => 'https://github.com/goodow/GDLiveStreaming.git' pod 'VideoCore', :git => 'https://github.com/goodow/VideoCore.git' pod 'glm', :podspec => 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/goodow/GDLiveStreaming/master/glm.podspec'
AuthorLarry Tin, dev@goodow.com