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SwiftMessages.show(view: myView)

Although you can show any instance of UIView, SwiftMessages provides a MessageView classand assortment of nib-based layouts that should handle most cases:
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// Instantiate a message view from the provided card view layout. SwiftMessages searches for nib
// files in the main bundle first, so you can easily copy them into your project and make changes.
let view = MessageView.viewFromNib(layout: .CardView)

// Theme message elements with the warning style.

// Add a drop shadow.

// Set message title, body, and icon. Here, we're overriding the default warning
// image with an emoji character.
view.configureContent(title: "Warning", body: "Consider yourself warned.", iconText: "")

// Show the message.
SwiftMessages.show(view: view)

You may wish to use the view provider variant show(viewProvider to ensure thatyour UIKit code is executed on the main queue:
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SwiftMessages.show {
    let view = MessageView.viewFromNib(layout: .CardView)
    // ... configure the view
    return view

The SwiftMessages.Config struct provides numerous configuration options that can be passed to show():
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var config = SwiftMessages.Config()

// Slide up from the bottom.
config.presentationStyle = .Bottom

// Display in a window at the specified window level: UIWindowLevelStatusBar
// displays over the status bar while UIWindowLevelNormal displays under.
config.presentationContext = .Window(windowLevel: UIWindowLevelStatusBar)

// Disable the default auto-hiding behavior.
config.duration = .Forever

// Dim the background like a popover view. Hide when the background is tapped.
config.dimMode = .Gray(interactive: true)

// Disable the interactive pan-to-hide gesture.
config.interactiveHide = false

// Specify a status bar style to if the message is displayed directly under the status bar.
config.preferredStatusBarStyle = .LightContent

SwiftMessages.show(config: config, view: view)

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