




Instagram Feeds View


  • It is just a demo view to show feeds as shown in Instagram.

  • In this demo UITableview used with Multiple cells.

  • All description of post(Image,User,Like,Comment etc..) can be managed by the array of an post.

  • All actions and updations of cell are manged by blocks so no need to update cell by using Tableview Refresh delegate.

  • While updating sections it scrolls ups/Down but by using blocks nothing happen and updations can be done smoothly.

  • suggestions are always welcome.

  • It is just a demo view to show feeds as shown in Instagram.

  • In this demo UITableview used with Multiple cells.

  • All description of post(Image,User,Like,Comment etc..) can be managed by the array of an post.

  • All actions and updations of cell are manged by blocks so no need to update cell by using Tableview Refresh delegate.

  • While updating sections it scrolls ups/Down but by using blocks nothing happen and updations can be done smoothly.

  • suggestions are always welcome.

*demo展示的是一个类似Instagram app的信息流展示视图。

Output will come like this

Potrait View Landscape View
ScreenShot ScreenShot


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