Digg Techonology 热门排行版上一天竟然出现了 3 条关于 Gphone 的新闻:
Rumor: Google Phone Will Be Linux-Powered, GPS-Loaded and Cheap
Gphone runs a modified version of the Linux kernel and has GPS built in. The positioning system will be used to power a Google Maps application, and the phone will also have tight integration with other Google apps like Gmail, Calendar and Docs. The source for Rizzn’s post notes that the company will announce the device in two weeks, and that a North American version will be available soon, possibly by the end of the year.
Google is working on a mobile OS, and it’s due out shortly
Google will announce its mobile plans some time post-Labor Day (September 3rd); from what we’ve heard Google isn’t necessarily working on hardware of its own, but is definitely working with OEMs and ODMs to get them to put the Gphone OS on upcoming devices.
CG Exclusive: HTC Insider Confirms Existence of the Google Phone(CB上的中文翻译稿)
A HTC insider sent us a tip this weekend about an upcoming gPhone coming out of Taiwan that should launch Q1 2008.Google is currently assessing over twenty HTC models and refining its final handset design and will create a special version of Google Maps, compatible with built-in GPS, and compatibility with Gmail and the calendar app.Google Talk will become a part of the phone, adding VoIP capability to the hardware.
对上述传闻追根溯源,我发现源头在rizzn.com,作者还在不断地跟 Google 内部的朋友联系确认相关信息,然后及时更新他的博客。正如我在《Never Say Goodbye, KESO》一文中提到的“互联网公司之间的传闻基本上就是事实,正如易趣被ebay嫁给Tom一样”。今日传闻四起,估计 Gphone 在万众瞩目中清水出芙蓉的日子也快到了。
iPhone 发布时,Apple 和 Google 进行了亲密的合作,而随着 Gphone的上市,iPhone 和 Gphone 之间的关系将会变得相当得微妙。比较有意思的是Rizzn 指出 Google’s mobile device “is less about beating the iPhone and more about beating the $100 Laptop” made by the OLPC project,从中似乎可以看出 Google 对 Gphone 的定位:一款廉价却又功能强大的互联网接入工具:廉价得益于硬件完全外包生产,功能强大得益于 Google 为其专门设计的操作系统和各种应用软件。随着 Gphone 的普及,越来越多的 Gphone 用户可以更加便捷的接入互联网,使用更多 Google 提供的服务,继而为 Google 的手机广告业务带来大把大把的收入。
基于上述商业逻辑,Google 将来甚至可能让 Gphone 免费,让通过 Gphone 上网也免费。或许不需要太多的等待,这一天就会到来。