来源:http://www.microsoft.com/china/sql/prodinfo/compare/oracle/ss2005oracle10gnetdev.mspx Feature SQL Server 2005 Oracle 10g R2 CLR Integration Integration with CLR Yes (In-process) Yes (out-of-process) Stored procedures in any .NET language Yes Yes Triggers in any .NET language Yes Not Sure User-defined functions Yes Not sure .NET objects stored inside the database Yes No Visual Studio Integration Can view database objects through Visual Studio Yes (through Server Explorer) Yes (through Oracle Explorer) Ability to debug stored procedures through Visual Studio Yes No Support for Visual Studio Project Yes No Auto-deployment of database objects through Visual Studio Yes No Context-sensitive online help for editing stored procedures No Yes BI technologies integrated with Visual Studio Yes No SOA Application Development XML Support Native XML type in the database Yes Yes XQuery support Yes Yes XML update functions Yes No XML indexes for improved performance Yes No (Text and Functional indexes only) Web Services Database as a Web service producer Yes (built-in HTTP endpoint requires no additional Web server) Yes (requires extra-cost Oracle Application Server) Database as a Web service consumer Yes (with .NET CLR integration) Yes (but requires extra-cost Oracle Application Server) Integration with Visual Studio Yes No Primary programming language Any CLR language Java Asynchronous Message Queuing Product name SQL Server Service Broker Oracle Advanced Queuing Guaranteed, exactly once delivery Yes Yes Queues stored in database Yes Yes Transactional integration with database Yes Yes Publish-Subscribe communication model No (point-to-point only) Yes Abstraction level Queues, messages Services, Dialogs, Contracts Query Notification Query Notification through ADO.NET Yes No (Equivalent functionality requires Oracle Web Cache and Oracle Java Object Cache; these are features of the Oracle Application Server Product)
作者:Mitch Ruebush
比较sql server2005和oracle 10g r2_数据库文摘
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